~Aston Martin Vanquish '00~

Buy or win an Aston Martin Vanquish, Upgrade it completely and save the game, then use these codes to get this car, use only 1 color code at a time.
1Car Base Name 1C041350 1FC17A05
1C041354 72F3985C
2Color#1 British Racing Green 1C041358 1456E7BA
1C04135C 1456E7A5
3Color#2  Derwent Green 1C041358 1456E7BB
1C04135C 1456E7A6
4Color#3  Grasmere Blue 1C041358 1456E7BC
1C04135C 1456E7A7
5Color#4 Braemar Blue 1C041358 1456E7B9
1C04135C 1456E7A8
6Color#5 Sutherland Red 1C041358 1456E7D1
1C04135C 1456E7A1
7Color#6 Solent Silver 1C041358 1456E7D7
1C04135C 1456E7A2
8Color#7 Malham White 1C041358 1456E7D5
1C04135C 1456E7A3
9Brakes 1C041368 675E3C2E
1C04136C 5DE95AB5
10Chassis 1C041378 675E3C2E
1C04137C 5DF259FD
11Engine 1C041380 675E3C2E
1C041384 5DEA4CA5
12Drivetrain/VCD 1C041388 675E3C2E
1C04138C 5DDD4EAD
13Transmission 1C041390 675E3C2E
1C041394 5DF151E9
14Suspension 1C041398 675E3C2E
1C04139C 604D78A9
15LSD 1C0413A0 675E3C2E
1C0413A4 60567EB1
16Front Tires 1C0413A8 675E3C2E
1C0413AC 5DDB52AD
17Rear Tires 1C0413B0 675E3C2E
1C0413B4 60577AAD
18Body/Downforce 1C0413C8 675E3C2E
1C0413CC 60567B09
(18 Codes Total)