This section describes all the Original Characters, or NPC's (non-player characters) in the game. Use this section for easy access to methods concerning how to obtain each of the 14 NPC's. Included are point markers (numbers in brackets) from Forsetti's maps for important places you need to visit to get them. |
Note: The NPC's attribute changes with your own leader's attribute. For instance, a Good Leader will get Kyo as a good Ninja, while an Evil or Neutral Leader will get Kyo as a Neutral Ninja. Since most of these vary, Their attributes won't be noted here, not that it doesn't change their behavior, Kyo for example, always acts as a good human no matter what his attribute is. |
Also added are ratings (A-D) which shows how good they are. How you use them in your party may change their effectiveness, here they are, listed in the order you can get them in. |
1) Kyo Hattori... Race: Human... Class: Ninja... Rating: B+... A young Ninja who's stricken with the fear of death when you first meet him. You must have him join your party when you start the game, but he may leave you after the training round is done and you'll never see him again. To ensure he doesn't leave, you must have an adequately high trust (not really a big factor). When you reach the four-direction roundabout in B1, he will talk to you, your response will affect his trust in you. From there go north to the snowy altar (6). Then just finish the training level. Kyo is a very nice additional to the party since... well there's not much of a choice if you want a Ninja (you can't create one for another few floors). And he's usually Good or Neutral (unlike Ninjas you create, which HAVE to be Evil), making him fairly easy on trust raising. |
2) Ricardo Dorephes... Race: Human... Class: Warrior... Rating: C... A warrior who wonders if trust is an important part of a party after having a bad experience with his last one. Like Kyo, you have to have him, but he may leave your party if his quest isn't done. From the B1 four-direction roundabout take the west path (4). Search the skeleton on the ground and his event will come up. Fight the 2 Thieves, then finish the training level. Nothing special about him, you can create your own character's which are much stronger and faster than him. But he's always nice to have around if you want to hear his comments (which mainly consists of cussing about everything and everyone). |
3) Sara McDuff... Race: Human... Class: Priest... Rating: B-... A Priestess who is concern for the welfare of the poor. You'll bump into her automatically when you do the training stage (3), no matter how much you whine about it, she'll forcefully join your party. Near the end of the stage, you'll get to help a poisoned man, how you react there, together with your trust, will affect whether she will stick to your party or leave. She's a fairly good addition, but gets hampered by very low speed, near the end of the game she's almost always the last person to act, severely hampering her healing abilities. But her remarkably high faith lets her learn more priest spells than everyone else, so there's a good balance there. |
4) Rui... Race: Human... Class: Thief... Rating: C+... A Sorcerer-turned-Thief who teaches you some of her dungeon-wise knowledge for a price. Eventually, after helping her out she'll join your party. To get her, first locate her at B2, second floor (10). She'll ask you to talk with a dwarf named Garcia. Go back to the tavern, talk to Garcia, do the world's shortest side-quest, then go back to Rui in B2. Help her get the baked silver. She'll now owe you, go back and talk to Garcia, then bump into her in the lodging. She'll join up. Rui gets a lousy rating since she's... well, a Thief. Not a bad one, if you want one, at least better than anything you can create. She can also be a pretty good Sorcerer if you turn her into one later. She's also fairly adept as a Ninja, though not as good as Kyo. She will teach you the nearly useless Back Attack AA. |
5) Daniel... Race: Hobbit... Class: Thief... Rating: D+... This clever Thief will help you out a little at the start, and trick you into helping him out a little later. After meeting him in B4, go down to B5. Locate and grab two bags of gold in old trolleys (be careful, they are poison-trapped). One is just before the break in the outer waterfall path (4), and the other is behind the door right in front of the gondola at the bottom. Locate the 2, then don't take the gondola up. Instead, go back a up a little bit to a room you may have passed, it's a single room with no other exits (other than the one you came in), it contains a ? Katana (Osafune). If you did it right, an Orc is now guarding the door. Burst in and slay all the Orc Kings and Daniel is yours! In order to get it right, you shouldn't raise the gondola and drop down to meet Michele yet, he'll be dead by the time you get back! Daniel isn't all that impressive, he's got very high agility, but Rui is better all-round as a thief. He's got insignificant skills otherwise, so it's not really worth all the trouble of getting him. He does have a few things worth looting on him, however. |
6) Michele... Race: Elf... Class: Sorcerer... Rating: B-... A young elf who's apparently way wiser that she looks. She wants to make up for her people's mistakes and wants to solve the mystery of the Labyrinth. This one's easy, she'll join automatically when you finish B5. While she is hampered by low HP, she's got a lot of spells, even ones your created Sorcerers would be hard pressed to find (the Mutated Spells). Since she joins in B5, it's still not too late to start building her spells, and later on she'll be the first to hit 99 in Wisdom, and thus meaning tons of sorcerer HP. She also high in good Faith so she can be a good Priest, or better yet, a good Bishop. |
7) Hina... Race: Elf... Class: Samurai... Rating: A... After the death of both her adopted brothers in the Labyrinth, she joins your cause to defeat the Evil that lies within. You'll find her offering a side-quest upon reaching B6. You have to let her join your party in order to do Quest, but be warned that it's fairly hard. But after that she'll join your party for good. She's probably your best investment in an NPC, good stats, great items, great trust and altogether a worthwhile addition. You can probably make a Samurai who is stronger than her though, but who doesn't like a cute, shy girl who slices up monsters faster than you can say "ouch!". |
8) Orphe Bright.. Race: Human... Class: Warrior... Rating: C+... Annoyed by the sudden revelation that her father is actually a walking dead man, she decides to get to the bottom of this, with your help, of course. You'll bump into her every now and then in town and in B3, also in B4 before you do Gustav's Quest, just past the second bridge (the same route you do as for Gustav's Quest). Do Gustav's Quest first. When you find the Shield in B4 (B13), a Zombie shuffles up - "Watch what it does". Then complete the Quest. Upon reaching B6 you'll bump into Orphe and Aoba. Locate a nearby one-way door, go South from there and you'll meet them one more time, fighting a bunch of fairies. Help them. Then back to B4. At the entrance (or exit, depending on which way you came in by) of B4 you'll meet Aoba. Go to the main entrance. Then head to the second elevated bridge (A13) and pass it to find Orphe. It is the same route you used to do Gustav's Quest. It is, from the entrance of the 4th Floor: Right 1, Up 2, Left 2, Up 2, Right 6, Down 4, Left 2, Down 2, Right 9, Up 2, Up 2 (Trap), Right 3 (Pit), Go through 2 doors and walk up the stairs and go through the door, Up 6, Left 3, Down 1, Left 3, Down 4, Left 2 & Up 6... You will then run into Orphe, and Aoba will catch up. After the conversation they'll both join your party. Other than getting the most powerful AA of the game, Warp Attack from Orphe, she's not really worth putting in the party. As a Warrior she has way too little HP to stand a chance up front. And she's always Evil, so she's a pain in a Good party. She's got fairly high faith so making her a Knight might be an option, or even a Priest. As a Priest she'll be bumped up a rating since she's physically much tougher than Sara, but she'll have an inferior number of spells. |
9) Aoba... Race: Human... Class: Samurai... Rating: B-... Aoba is Gustav Bright's student and acts as Orphe's older brother. To get him, just check Orphe's entry, he'll join when Orphe does. If you have an evil party he might be an interest to you, after all, he's the only Evil Samurai in the game. But his stats is so-so compared to Hina, the other NPC Samurai. And he's got nasty equipment as well, so you really need to invest on him to make a decent fighter out of him. |
10) Grace... Race: Human... Class: Knight... Rating: C+... The fiancée of one of the game's minor Villains Eugene Guestem. She is trying to turn her hubby-to-be back to the path of righteousness, but that will require your help! You'll meet her a few times here and there, you spot her in B2 and B3, as well as B6 quite often. When you reach B8, do Garcia's second quest (7), then drain the lake in B5 with a switch in B8 (21). Once both of those are done, go back to the tavern and talk to Garcia to get your reward. Leave, then go back in again and he'll say that both Grace and Wolfe are off in B5, go look for them there in the now revealed staircase. You'll bump into Kasta who mentions them if you did it all right. Go down the staircase that was under the water (32) and help them fight off a Raver Lord. They'll join your party, and Grace will teach you Silence Breaker AA. Grace is not too bad as a Knight, decent stats and all. She's got a good collection of Priest Spells (at lv.1) but has very poor Faith so turning her into a Priest is fairly pointless; you're bit too late into the game to build her spells anyway. |
11) Wolfe... Race: Human... Class: Warrior... Rating: D+... You'll bump into this warrior every now and then, and listen to his rather cynical outlook on life every now and then. He will eventually hook up with Grace and will join when Grace does, so check Grace's entry to get him too. Wolfe is just plain lousy, you'll have created warriors and even Ricardo is better than him. For such a big, brawny individual, he's got poor HP as well, so he's definitely going to be liability in your party. Nice equipment though... |
12) Kulgan the Agile... Race: Elf... Class: Ninja... Rating: A... One of the most loyal of the Queen's Guard, the elite team of the Queen's bodyguards led by LeDua Almsay. No real choice here, Kulgan joins your party automatically at the exit of B8. But he is good, quite a ways better compared to Kyo (though Kyo does have higher HP. His 90 Agility and near maximum trust makes him a good investment if you want a Ninja or want to replace your Ninja. |
13) Virgo... Race: Human... Class: Sorcerer... Rating: D... It's Barfo! An evil Sorceress who bugs you a few times. She's anxious to locate what she believes is treasure at the bottom, but after she found out what's down there she gets so disheartened she joins your party. First meet and fight her in B10 (at this point you should have already fought her 2 other times). Then near the exit to B10 (21) you'll meet her again. You can then meet her again in B7 where she'll tease Kasta again. Finally, return to Kasta's shop in B5 (3) and she'll be there bugging Kasta one last time. Talk to her and choose "Persuade her to stay" and she'll join up. She is the game's best sorcerer in terms of stats, but there's 2 major problems. One she's always evil, so it's bad for a Good or Neutral Party. And the biggest problem is that you get her so late in the game, and she STILL has level 1 for all her spells. Since you're minutes away from finishing the game, why bother building all her spells up at all? |
14) Kaza... Race: Elf... Class: Bishop... Rating: D-... Michele's friend/partner who is close to Sophia the Holy Priest of the Queen's Guard. He believes you indirectly caused Sophia's death, hence he is pretty hostile to you at the start. You'll meet him first in B5 with Michele, and then later you will meet him in the empty room in B6 (2). Upon meeting him at the end of B10, if you have Michele in your active party he'll have a change of heart and join as well. He's an adept Bishop, but he suffers the same problem Virgo does, too little too late. He's got a lot of spells, granted, but all are at Lv.1. Poor trust, usually Neutral or Evil to boot. And here you're minutes away from finishing the game, will you really bother? Most of the directions as to how to get them are also listed in the walkthrough, so check there if you want. |