~Gotz's Traps & The Reaper Guide~

At B1 you will find Gotz, a Trap Making Orc. You can get some Rare Items if you break his Traps, you have to pay him 1000 x Trap Level Gold to try it out, and if you can break it you will get some useful Items. Different Leveled Traps require you to break the Trap by disarming it 10 x Trap Level times. There are 10 Levels to disarm, meaning a full 100 times to disarm at the final level. For more details check Forsetti's FAQs, but here's briefly the Rewards for each level:
1) 3 Transfer Potions
2) 1 Curing Potion
3) 4 Potions
4) 1 Random Dwarf Item
5) All 5 Mutated Stones
6) All 8 Class Change Orbs
7) All 14 Vellum-made stones
8) All 31 Materials
9) All 50 Magic Stones
10) 14 Cursed Items
You can repeat Levels you have cleared to get the same Items again, Level 1 is a great way to amass Transfer Potions, by the way. Make sure you have space in your inventory for the Items or you will not even get 1 Item for your efforts. If you have trouble with breaking Gotz's traps, hit the Start Button to pause the game, study the pattern then hit the Start Button again.

On most floors, the Reaper will sometimes appear and chase you around. Since he can move between levels (within that floor), go through walls and move as fast as you walk, it's pretty hard to avoid him. To avoid him, leave the floor or use a Transfer Potion to head back to Town. Or just get nailed by him. It's actually not as deadly as it's made out to be. Your possessed character becomes a little stronger to Attack, but a little weaker in Defence, but that's not really all that noticeable. You can also hit undeads now despite not having a Magicial Weapon. As long as you keep him alive, it's only going to cost you a couple of thousand bucks to restore him in town (and you really don't have that much use for money anyway). Just make sure he's alive (use Restrict Shot or Spell Cancel AAs). However, if he does die, the character will either turn to ash or worse, be gone forever i.e. erased clear out of the game, so that's generally a bad thing. Unless you plan to kick him out or something. And if that happens to your leader the game ends immediately. So it's not all that dangerous if you are careful. Getting nailed by him also gives you one additional ability, you will be able to see Reaper Doors. If you are walking around and suddenly feel your Controller shake, and no Reaper is chasing you, you're near a Reaper Door. It can only be seen and opened if one or more of your members are possessed by the Reaper. There are only 2 Reaper Doors throughout the entire game, in B2 and B6. One final extra, when you get your entire party possessed, something interesting occurs, check the Allied Actions Section for more.
After you defeat The Reaper on Level 10: (Testement) he no longer chases you in the game, thus you'll never get possessed again, so grab the 2 items behind the 2 Reaper Doors in the game while you can still get possessed, and also you can no longer get to use Possessed AAs after this as well.