Robe Evade......2 Defense...1 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B S......G N E A loose robe that covers the whole body. Very weak and uneffective as armor. |
Magus' Robe Evade......4 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B S......G N E A robe cast with a spell that slightly increases evade and defensive ability. |
Elf's Robe Evade......9 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: _ _ _ N T P B S......G N E Increases Life. Restores MP when its special powers are released. |
Pashima Robe Evade......12 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: _ _ _ N T P B S......G N E Made with a popular material, Pashima. It is light and easy to move in. It increases Agility. |
Cursed Robe Evade......6 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B S......G N E Robe with cursed letters woven in. It has magical powers to suffocate enemy. User loses Sorcerer MP. |
Bloody Robe Evade......9 Defense..6 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B S......G N E A robe bloodied with one's own blood. The magical powers can burn enemies. Disables user's spells. |
Betrayal Robe Evade......12 Defense...7 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B S......G N E A cursed robe, made by a Sorcerer, intended for framing friends. Decreases Wisdom when equipped. |
Leather Armor Evade......1 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E Armor that is made of leather. Its protection is small, but is easy to move around in. |
Magus' Armor Evade......2 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A leather armor with an enhanced surface and evade due to a spell cast on it. |
Decorated Armor Evade......3 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A brightly decorated leather armor that has magical powers to raise evade and defense. |
Silver Armor Evade......5 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E Made by a powerful sorcerer and craftsman. It has high evade and defensive qualities. |
Faith Armor Evade......6 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E The power of faith increases resistance to Poison and Agility. Allows class change to Bishop. |
Ninja Armor Evade......7 Defense...9 |
Can Equip: _ _ _ N T _ _ _......G N E Once worn by a famous Ninja. Resists Sleep and Poson. Allows class change to Ninja. |
Deceased Armor Evade......6 Defense...7 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A cursed armor. When equipped, it makes you feel sluggish and decreases Agility. |
Evil Armor Evade......7 Defense...9 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E It is said Thieves that lose their soul in the Labyrinth turn into this armor. It takes away HP. |
Betrayal Armor Evade......7 Defense...10 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E Once worn by a Thief who betrayed his party. When equipped, Trust is completely lost. |
Chain Mail Evade......2 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Made by linking many detailed loops. Easy to move in and excels in defensive ability. |
Magus' Chain Mail Evade......2 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Chain Mail with increased defensive ability due to a spell cast on it. |
Dragon Chain Mail Evade......3 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Made with Dragon Scales. It protects against damage from Breath and Fire. |
Blessed Chain Mail Evade......4 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Blessed with prayers from a famous Priest. Attribute can become Good if its powers can be released. |
Freeze Chain Mail Evade......5 Defense...10 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Strengthened by a Freezing spell. It can resist Fire and void the effects of Poison. |
Evil Chain Mail Evade......6 Defense...11 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......_ _ E Can be equipped by only those with an Evil attribute. It has high evade and defensive qualities. |
Rusted Chain Mail Evade......3 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Rusted on the surface by a curse. Decreases resistance to Fire and Sleep. |
Cursed Chain Mail Evade......4 Defense...10 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Created by a strong curse. Weak against Fire, Freezing, Sleep, Poison and Paralysis. |
Deceased Chain Mail Evade......6 Defense...12 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ P _ _......G N E Enveloped by an Evil Spirit. Weak against Fire, Freezing, Thunder, Sleep, Poison and Paralysis. |
Chest Plate Evade......1 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E A chain mail reinforced with metal in the chest area. Gives stronger protection than a Chain Mail. |
Decorated Plate Evade......1 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Although gaudy-looking, it excels in defensive ability compared to a normal Chest Plate. |
Mystic Chest Plate Evade......2 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Discovered after the death of a Sorcerer. It was often duplicated due to its sturdiness. |
Ceasing Chest Plate Evade......3 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Made by a known craftsman. The magical powers on its surface protects from Energy Drain. |
Spirited Chest Plate Evade......4 Defense...10 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Blessed with a chant to withstand Thunder. By releasing its powers, you can change class to Samurai. |
Shielded Chest Plate Evade......5 Defense...12 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Said to be made by a Sorcerer for a friend who left for battle. Recovers HP by equipping it. |
Deceased Chest Plate Evade......2 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Poorly made and said to take away Priest MP. The souls of the Dead are said to dwell in it. |
Betrayal Chest Plate Evade......4 Defense...9 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Once worn by an unhly Priest who abandoned his Religion. Excels in defense, but decreases Faith. |
Cynical Chest Plate Evade......5 Defense...12 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ P _ _......G N E Though superb-looking, a grudge of a Sorcerer dwells in it and disables the use of spells. |
Plate Mail Evade......1 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E Metal armor that covers the whole body. Excellent defense, but its weight decreases evade. |
Qualty Metal Armor Evade......1 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E An improved metal armor that increases all-around performance. |
Craftsman's Armor Evade......2 Defense...7 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E A superior armor made by a known Craftsman as a prototype. Excels in defensive and evade. |
Knight Mail Evade......2 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E An armor passed down through generations of a Knight's family. Allows class change to Knight. |
Neutral Armor Evade......3 Defense...10 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......_ N _ An armor able to be equipped by only those with Neutral attribute. Has resistance to Freezing. |
Prime Armor Evade......3 Defense...12 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E An armor made with Mithral Silver by a Dwarf and enhanced with a spell. Extremely high defensive ability. |
Evil Armor Evade......4 Defense...14 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......_ _ E A man who abandons his humanity becomes this when he dies in battle. Superb Evade. |
Broken Armor Evade......3 Defense...12 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E An armor broken by a Monster. The Monster's blood on the armor causes large Fire damage. |
Cursed Armor Evade......3 Defense...14 |
Can Equip: W K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E Decrease in resistance to Fire and Freezing by its curse. Allows Attribute change to Evil. |
Knight's Metal Armor Evade......4 Defense...17 |
Can Equip: _ K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E Beautifully decorated and raises Trust by sacred powers. Can only be equipped by Knights. |
Small Shield Evade......1 Defense...1 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A small shield that even a Bishop can equip. |
Small Steel Shield Evade......1 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A shield reinforced with metal edges. |
Magus' Small Shield Evade......2 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A magic emblem is stuck on the backside. Its power increases evade and defensive ability. |
Charmed Small Shield Evade......2 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A cute charm is stuck on the back-side. Although it looks small, it has outstanding abilities. |
Dwarf's Shield Evade......3 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E A shield used in a dance during a Dwarf's Festival. It increases resistance to Sleep. |
Gnome's Shield Evade......3 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E Made by the religious Gnomes. Can change attribute to Good if its powers are released. |
Shady Small Shield Evade......4 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E The face of a Smiling Fairy is engraved. It will take away your money unknowing to you. |
Demon's Small Shield Evade......4 Defense...7 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E An image of a Demon's face is on the shield. It takes away HP of the person equipped with it. |
Cursed Small Shield Evade......4 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K M N T P B _......G N E Curse of the Demons dwell within. High evade and defense ability, but takes away lots of HP. |
Shield Evade......2 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ _ _ _......G N E Large and heavy, but with high evade. |
Metal Shield Evade......2 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N T _ _ _......G N E The edges are bordered with metal. Well-balanced that even a Thief can equip it. |
Reinforcing Shield Evade......3 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ _ _ _......G N E Large shield with a spell written. In battle, it can decrease evade of a row of enemies. |
Pheromone Shield Evade......3 Defense...6 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ _ _ _......G N E An item that a merchant could not sell at his shop. Makes you look attractive, thus increasing Luck. |
Prime Shield Evade......4 Defense...7 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ _ _ _......G N E Coated with magical powers. Your Max HP will increase if its powers are released. |
Evil Shield Evade......4 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ _ _ _......_ _ E A large shield that can only be equipped by Evil attributes. High defense ability. |
Ragged Shield Evade......4 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ _ _ _......G N E Damaged surface is weak against Fire, Freezing and Thunder spells and also takes away HP. |
Depleting Shield Evade......4 Defense...8 |
Can Equip: W K M _ _ _ _ _......G N E A cursed shield that requires lots of HP. But, evade and defense abilities are increased. |
Knight's Shield Evade......5 Defense...9 |
Can Equip: _ K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E Beautifully decorated and prevents Fire, Freezing and Thunder spells only to be equipped by Knights. |
Gauntlet Evade......0 Defense...1 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E A piece of armor that guards the whole hand. |
Steel Gauntlet Evade......1 Defense...1 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E Supposed to have been able to cast a defensive spell, but failed. Evade is increased. |
Silver Gauntlet Evade......1 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E Masterpiece with a roundness that allows you to dodge atacks with ease. |
Demon's Gauntlet Evade......2 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E Made by a known Sorcerer with the aid of a Demon's power. Allows to change Attribute to Evil. |
Strength Gauntlet Evade......2 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E It can prevent Paraylis and repel Fire. Power is increased if its hidden power is released. |
Evil Gauntlet Evade......2 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......_ _ E Once used by an evil Knight. It greatly increases the ability for a Critical hit. |
Ragged Gauntlet Evade......0 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E A worn out gauntlet. Its curse decreases Agility just by carrying it. |
Corrupt Gauntlet Evade......2 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E Used to belong to a spinless Knight. Decreases Power. |
Knight's Gauntlet Evade......2 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: _ K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E Beautifully decorated and raises Agility by its sacred powers. It can only be equipped by Knights. |
Helmet Evade......0 Defense...1 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E A normal helmet. If upgraded, it can prevent various abnormal status. |
Enduring Helmet Evade......1 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E Increased resistane against sleep and unconsciousness. Allows attribute change to Neutral. |
Transfer Helmet Evade......2 Defense...2 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E Its magical powers can resis Poison, Paralysis and Petrify. It also allows you to Transfer. |
Evil Helmet Evade......2 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......_ _ E An aura envelopes the helmet to prevent Sleep, Unconsciousness, Piper and Energy Drain. |
Valiant Helmet Evade......2 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E Resists all abnormal status. By releasing its powers, you can restore everyone's HP. |
Cursed Helmet Evade......2 Defense...3 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E A curse is written on it. When equipped, it decreases resistance to Poison, Paralysis and Petrify. |
Grievous Helmet Evade......2 Defense...4 |
Can Equip: W K M N _ _ _ _......G N E An image of a crying Elf is drawn. Susceptical to Sleep, Unconscious and Death. |
Knight's Helmet Evade......2 Defense...5 |
Can Equip: _ K _ _ _ _ _ _......G N E Beautifully decorated and prevents all abnormal status. Can only be equipped by Knights. |