~Monsters List & Killing Tips~

Here's a list of all 108 monsters you will encounter in Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land, where they first pop up, and what Materials they drop.

NameFirst AppearanceMaterial
Bubbly SlimeB1Slime's Goo
Red SlimeB6Slime's Jelly
Silver SlimeB7Slime's Jelly
OrcB1Broken Sword
Orc KingB2Broken Sword
Bogey CatB1Bogey Cat's Fur
PixieB1Pixie's Wing
FairyB8Fairy's Wing
KoboldB1Broken Sword
Undead KoboldB1Rotten Flesh
Giant ToadB1Frog's Tongue
HarpB1Bogey Bird's Claw
ZombieB2Rotten Flesh
OgreB4Broken Sword
Ogre LordB7Broken Sword
DragonflyB3Demon Egg
StoneflyB9Demon Egg
Boring BeetleB4Demon Egg
Spiral BeetleAbyssDemon Egg
Huge Spider (Red)B5Cocoon
Huge Spider (Green)B5Cocoon
Giant SpiderB5Cocoon
Gaze HoundB5Hound's Ear
WyvernB5Wyvern's Eyeball
Rotting CorpseB4Rotting Flesh
LifestealerB8Rotting Flesh
VampireB10Vampire's Claw
ChimeraB6Chimera's Head
Will O'WispB8Demon Egg
Gas DragonB3Dragon Heart/Scale
Blue DragonB7Dragon Heart/Scale
Copper DragonAbyssDragon Tail
Earth GiantB5Giant's Tooth
Fire GiantB6Giant's Tooth/Blood
Frost GiantB7Giant's Blood/Guts
Poison GiantB8Giant's Guts
GargoyleB4Devil's Horn
Lesser DemonB4Devil's Horn
Spell DemonAbyssDevil's Horn
Greater DemonB6Devil's Horn
MaelificDimension WorldDevil's Horn
Elder DemonAbyssDevil's Horn
Pied PiperDimension WorldPied Piper's Pipe
Vampire LordB8Vampire's Claw
Fire DragonB7Dragon Scale
White DragonDimension WorldDragon Tail
Gold DragonAbyssDragon Scale/Tail
Dragon ZombieB10Undead Dragon Wing
Raver LordB5Broken Sword
DeathbringerAbyssBroken Sword
RogueB1Thief's Blood
Bushwacker (Sword)B2Thief's Blood
Bushwacker 2 (Crossbow)B2Thief's Blood
HighwaymanB2Thief's Blood
Lv4 Thief (Sword)B4Thief's Blood
Lv4 Thief 2 (Crossbow)B4Thief's Blood
Lv10 Thief (Sword)B7Thief's Blood
Lv10 Thief (Crossbow)B7Thief's Blood
Phantom Thief (Sword)AbyssThief's Blood
Phantom Thief 2 (Crossbow)AbyssThief's Blood
Lv1 PriestB2Priest's Hair
Lv3 PriestB4Priest's Hair
Lv8 PriestB7Priest's Hair
High PriestB8Priest's Hair
Arch PriestAbyssPriest's Hair
Lv5 PriestessB3Priest's Hair
Master PriestessB8Priest's Hair
Lv1 MageB2Sorcerer's Earring
Lv5 MageB3Sorcerer's Earring
Lv7 MageB7Sorcerer's Earring
Arch MageB8Sorcerer's Earring
Lv10 MageB9Sorcerer's Earring
High WizardB10Sorcerer's Earring
NecromancerAbyssSorcerer's Earring
Lv3 WarriorB3Broken Sword
Lv7 WarriorB4Broken Sword
Lv8 WarriorB5Broken Sword
Lv10 WarriorB7Broken Sword
SwordsmanB9Broken Sword
BerserkerAbyssBroken Sword
Lv1 BishopB2Bishop's Bracelet
Lv8 BishopB5Bishop's Bracelet
Lv10 BishopB7Bishop's Bracelet
Arch BishopAbyssBishop's Bracelet
Lv3 SamuraiB1Samurai's Beard
Minor DaimyoB3Samurai's Beard
Major DaimyoB5Samurai's Beard
Champ SamuraiB7Samurai's Beard
HatamotoB9Samurai's Beard
ShogunAbyssSamurai's Beard
Lv1 NinjaB2Ninja's Hood
Lv3 NinjaB4Ninja's Hood
Lv6 NinjaB6Ninja's Hood
Lv8 NinjaB8Ninja's Hood
Master NinjaB3Ninja's Hood
The High MasterB9Ninja's Hood
High NinjaDimension WorldNinja's Hood
Fuma NinjaAbyssNinja's Hood
Nine TailAbyss-
IncubusB6Incubus Wing
Flesh GolemB8Golem's Flesh
ReaperB2Sword Fragment
Bu'ShinDimension World-

Monster-Killing Tips
Here are some tips to killing the monsters you will encounter during the game. Got trouble with a certain monster? Check here!
Slimes: (Bubbly Slime, Red Slime & Silver Slime)...
Bubbly slimes are pretty much a non-issue since they go down with nearly any blow.
Red Slimes come in huge groups, and can poison, so it's best to wipe them all out in one fell swoop. They can also Rush and Front Guard. Use a Rush of your own if you're strong enough, otherwise hit with an Assisted Spell that targets all monsters (Jakreta works fine).
Silver Slimes are another matter. They almost always run on the first round, and have unreal tolerance to physical and magical attacks. You can try Rush to hit them, though you probably can't kill them all (needs 140-150 damage Rush, which is a level 30-40 party). You can kill the remainders with another Rush if any remains. Sometimes (very rarely) spells can hit them as well.
Footsoldiers: (Orc, Orc King & Kobold)...
Not much of a threat either unless they are in a large group with three or more in each row - that means they can Front Guard & Rush. They also sometimes Double Slash and Converge Attack. Their Rush HURTS at early levels, so make sure you use Front Guard often (usually 1st or 2nd round, then every alternate round). Their individual attacks aren't all that good, and the back row's only actions are usually escape. No real threat here.
Level 1 Wusses: (Bogey Cat, Pixie, Giant Toad & Harpy)...
Nothing all that stressful. Bogey Cats hit the hardest of all monsters at the 1st floor, so finishing them off should be a priority. Pixies and Harpies are fast, but nothing tough about them. Pixies in the back row can cast Sleep on a row of your members, but unless you are really weak nothing happens. Giant Toads are a joke unless they come in large parties, in that case they will keep calling for assistance, which can be a bother or a bonus for more EXP, but nothing that should cause any harm to your party.
Weak Undeads: (Undead Kobold & Zombie)...
They come in unbelievably huge groups, but if you've got a good priest you should at least wipe out most (if not all) the Undead Kobolds. Zombies are harder to turn, but if you've got even a slightly decent spell or magic weapon they will go down in one blow. Front Guard - they can Paralyze, and big groups can Rush.
Ogres: (Ogre & Ogre Lord)...
These guys hit HARD and larger parties can Rush as well. But they have no Rear Attacks and Restrict Shot + Jump Attack should protect your front party. If there's three in the front row they can Converge Attack. Concentrate on killing one or two until they can't Rush, then it's fairly easy from that point on.
Flies: (Dragonfly & Stonefly)...
Dragonflies are jokes since you can Rush them to kill them all even when you meet them for the first time. Be careful when they attack with others - they have a weak breath weapon, but when there's more than 2 attacking it quickly adds up. If there are more than 2 Rush to kill them all first, and endure what the remaining monster will dish out. Stoneflies that you meet late into the game don't breath, but their attacks can stone your party. Again, by then Rush should kill them all. If you really need to concentrate on another monster instead, guard yourself with Restrict Shot.
Bugs: (Boring Beetle, Spiral Beetle, Huge Spiders & Giant Spider)...
Kill them as quick as possible - they hit weak, but the huge number of them can quickly add up. You probably can't Rush at them and expect to kill them all, so use Assisted Spells instead. Great source of EXP. Be extra careful when you meet the Spiral Beetles in the Abyss - they have big HP and can't be killed immediately by any Rush, or Spells for that matter (unless you use an Assisted Megadeth). And they hit VERY HARD, if 2 or 3 gang up on one member he or she WILL die.
Ghosts: (Spirit, Ghost & Shade)..
Nasty. Spirits and Ghosts can use insanely powerful spells (at the time you meet them at least) so unless you Spell Cancel they will give you hell. Shades aren't tough, but they have an inordinately high chance of draining a Level (and those can't be returned, mind you). All 3 can drain a Level, actually. Restrict Shot if they are in the front. Kill them fast if they are in the back with Spell Cancel (via magic weapons) or spells. They are undeads, so End Lash also works, but the 2 attackers involved must have Undead-Killing Weapons.
Gaze Hound...
They can hit pretty hard when you first meet them in B5, and their Gaze paralyzes 1 member until the Gaze Hound is killed or quite a few round have passed. But it doesn't work all that often. Hit them with your best attacks to kill them fast, using Restrict Shot to protect (their Gaze can't be protected from not matter what you do). By the time you meet them in pairs you should have no trouble killing them within one or two rounds each. Stun attack works wonders here by the way.
High agility-type monster. Hard to hit, so use End Lash or Hold Attack. Their tails can paralyze, use Restrict Shot. They don't use spells. Not much HP either (100-110) so they shouldn't be much of a bother to your members.
Corpses: (Rotting Corpse, Lifestealer & Vampire)...
VERY annoying monsters. They are undeads so only certain things can do damage to them, and they've got nasty spells and paralyzing touches as well. Vampires can even drain Levels. What is even more annoying is that they are often used as footsoldiers for stronger monsters, so you'll be hard-pressed to decide who to concentrate your attacks on. Dispel usually doesn't work unless there's a big level difference so don't bother. Hit them with Magical Weapons or Spells - they don't have much HP. Spell cancel the back row ones, restrict if they are front row. As with all Undeads, don't Rush unless everyone has Undead-Killing Weapons. End Lash is fine though - at least 2 of your members should have Undead-Killers equipped anyway.
DEPLOY! Even at later levels, the breath weapon of a Chimera hits VERY hard and can easily do 100-200 damage if you're not careful. When you first meet them in B6, they appear alone. Deploy then hit them with everything else you've got and hope they die before they start their attack. Almost all the time they will use their breath weapons. Their physical attacks don't warrant much attention, so skip the Restrict Shot and use Double Slash instead. If you meet more that one, getting nailed by their breath weapon isn't really much of a choice. Take out one (you should be able to do that by then) before he can attack. Set your one-hit-kill characters on the other and hope he gets killed quick. Stun attacks may work here too.
Will O'Wisp...
Another one of the high-agility types. They don't hit hard at all, but if you plan to use physical attacks it will take quite a while (so don't). Use assisted Jakreta to kill them within one round and get exorbitant amounts of EXP! Your best source for leveling up late in the game - they first appear in B8.
2-legged Dragons: (Gas Dragon, Blue Dragon & Copper Dragon)...
Once again, Deploy. They aren't hard otherwise, and their physical attacks shouldn't trouble much. It gets quite nasty when they start coming in pairs, since their big HP means you usually can kill them in one round. Nothing much you can do except endure the damage, really. Be VERY careful of Copper Dragons in the Abyss. They have inordinate amounts of HP, and their breath weapons hurt. And most of the time they combo with another really tough monster, so it's a true test of your endurance. Stun attacks are your friend here.
Giants: (Earth Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant & Poison Giant)...
Earth and Fire Giants shouldn't be much of a concern since they only have physical attacks, hence Restrict Shot ends their pain. Frost and Poison Giants are a concern because they do have breath weapons. If you can't kill these in one round then Deploy. If you meet a combination of these always focus on the one with breath weapons. Poison Giants are nasty since they have high defence and a really really bad breath, so if you meet a big group you should use Daiba to kill them quickly since their damages add up after a few rounds (and you won't kill them all in one round, trust me). Stun attacks work great on them, by the way.
They can fly so then can hit back members too, but they will usually hit front row instead. Restrict Attack. End of story.
Weak Demons: (Lesser Demon & Spell Demon)...
Fairly nasty critters. They look hideous and hit fairly hard with spells and attacks. When alone use Restrict Shot (they don't cast spells as often as they do attacking). When in big groups, you really don't have much of a choice except endure. They can Barrier weaker spells, so if you've got low level ones don't try them. Higher level Assisted Jakretas can kill a good number, however. Spell Demons of the Abyss don't attack in big groups, but they have insanely high HP, and uses more spells that attacks (hence their name) - Spell Cancel instead.
Strong Demons: (Greater Demon, Maelific & Elder Demon)...
Probably the one of the most powerful category of monsters you will fight. They all have superior defence so Daiba is a must. Getting hit by their tail causes paralysis and they hit fairly hard with spells as well. You're split for choice whether to guard their spells or their attacks (both are nasty). And to top it off they can call for assistance. Anything above 3 of these critters will slaughter your party, so run if there are that many. Other than Double Slash, Stun Attacks sometimes work against them, so use that if you want a gamble. Maelifics are quite a bit more nasty since they have the use of Megadeth, so Spell Cancel. Luckily Maelifics are fairly rare in the game - you usually meet just one in Dimension World if you're lucky (or unluckly, whichever way you look at it). There are those guarding Smiley's Shop as well, but fighting four is definitely stretching it. Elder Demons of the abyss are the nastiest of the lot due to their inhuman defence - don't be surprised that none of your party can do more that one point of damage without Daiba. Even when Daiba is on you probably can't do more than double digits. My advice? Run like hell. If you are planning to off yourself a Greater Demon, Spell Cancel is necessary - they will throw high level Megadeths at you at the slightest opportunity.
Pied Piper...
A denizen of the Dimension World. They are perhaps the only monsters in the game that can Mass-Confuse your party, and they have breath weapons as well. They shouldn't worry you if they are alone, but 2 is pushing it. Restrict Attack is better than Deploy here - they have cold breath, but don't do it all that often.
Vampire Lord...
He's a boss when you first meet him, and his Jakuld hurts like HELL. He can also drain levels up close. But he isn't much of a challenge HP-wise - you shouldn't take more than 2 rounds to squash him with Double Slash. As much as his spells hurt, his physical attacks hurt a lot more (especially when he can drain 2-4 levels right off your members) so Restrict Attack if he is up close, and Spell Cancel when he's at the back. He's a priority at every battle, kill him first before focusing on others if possible.
4-legged Dragons: (Fire Dragon, White Dragon & Gold Dragon)...
These guys are NASTY! Very big HP means you'll need Daiba to get anything done before they toast you completely. Deploy is a must for every round. They can cast some fairly nasty spells, so check to see which hurts you more (breath or spells) and guard respectively. Concentrate your best physical attacks on them, spells will usually get barrier'ed unless you use cold spells vs. Fire Dragons, Fire Spells vs. White Dragons. A special warning against the Gold Dragons of the Abyss, they are the second-strongest monsters in the game. Insane HP means you'll take 8-10 rounds of combat even with a Daiba-upped party, and they can wipe you out very easily if you're not strong enough (Lv. 40-50 average is a must). They are usually followed by another annoying and nasty monster, and you'll need to kill that first since they are in front, which adds another 2-3 rounds. If they consecutively perform their breath attacks you CAN'T survive no matter how powerful you are, so a word of prayer is in order if you fight them.
Dragon Zombie...
Fairly nasty monster. For some reason, you can hit him with anything in the first round, but if you can't kill him by then, he becomes undead, i.e. only spells and magic weapons will hit. He's almost always using his breath weapon (even more than the other dragons), so keep deploying every round.
Lords: (Raver Lord & Deathbringer)...
One of the bosses you will meet. He's basically a souped-up Samurai with some very hard-hitting physical attacks, so use Restrict Shot. His spells aren't quite that nasty. The superior Abyss version, Deathbringer, has the usual upgrades (more defence, more HP, more damage) plus a nasty new trick, upon critical he can kill in one blow, like a ninja. Otherwise he's nothing you should be sweating about.
If you really have trouble with these guys then you REALLY will have trouble with this game! While they are fairly annoying at the start of the game, they soon lose out to the other monsters you will meet. They have very high accuracy so most of their attacks will hit, back row ones will use a crossbow, and those can't be blocked. But they do lousy damage either way, and despite high agility can be hit easily. And, second to the spellcasters, they have the lowest HP, so they can be killed within 1 or 2 attacks. Concentrate on others, these guys you can take care of last.
Priests & Priestesses...
Slightly more HP than all other spellcasters make them a bother since End Lash usually won't kill them in one swoop. Combine it with Spell Cancel or just attack with missiles to take them out quickly. Lower level ones aren't dangerous since all they do is cast Sleep or Silence. Higher level priests do big damage with Force and other attack spells so these need to be taken out quickly. 2 or more can use Assisted Spell to give even more oomph to their attacks. But give priority to taking out mages and bishops.
Virgo: (BOSS)...
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.
Low HP means you can usually off them without them actually doing anything. Usually guarded by a row of front attackers. Sorcerers have to be made a priority in battle, because their spells do very nasty damage, most of the time more than all the physical attacks of the front row combined. And if there 2 or more at the back, they can use Assisted Spell as well. End Lash will end their misery.
These are usually there to guard spellcasters. Fairly decent HP means you'll take some time to kill them. They only do physical attacks so use Restrict Shot once you've finished off the spellcasters on the back row. Do be careful that they can Rush if there's 6 of them, and Front Guard as well. Higher level Warriors (Lv.10 Warrior onwards) can Double Slash or Converge Attack as well, and the damages there can get quite high, but still you shouldn't make them your priority to kill in battle.
They hit a little harder than warriors and can cast fairly weak attack spells if they are in the back row. Unless you are fighting fairly high-leveled samurais the should be treated as warriors (low priority). Do be careful when you meet Major Daimyo and stronger Samurais - they can instant-kill your members upon critical. They also start Double-Slashing, and that's a sure fire instant-kill right there. Keep up Restrict Shot. You can ignore their spells since there are usually much worse things for you to be worried about at the time.
Treat these as you would treat a Sorcerer. They have even lower HP than Sorcerers (due to their comparatively low levels) so they shouldn't be a bother. They can do fairly nasty Sorcerer and Priest spells if left alone, however. They too can use Assisted Spell if they come in pairs or more.
Nasty. Very high agility means that, unless your own agility is boosted you're not going to hit them at all. End Lash works fine. You MUST put up Restrict Shot, strong ninjas can instantly kill on contact with very high probability. Low HP means you can safely Rush them to take them all out at higher levels, but not when you first meet them. Spells work well too if there's a big group. Master Ninja onwards mean they can cast spells as well, which is actually a disadvantage to them since their spells suck anyways.
Nine Tail: (Boss of the Abyss)..
The strongest monster in the game. Check the Abyss Section of the Walkthrough for more info. Oh, and if you bump into him, here's a tip, start praying.
Incubus: (BOSS)...
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.
Flesh Golem: (BOSS)...
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.
Reaper: (BOSS)...
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.
Bu'Shin: (BOSS)...
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.