~Side Quests List~

You get these from the Tavern, the harder ones appear as you go down floors. Don't worry if you seem to be missing some, the Quest List isn't listed chronologically. They're listed as they appear in the Quest List, you won't be doing them in the order as they're listed below. Once again, bracketed numbers are those used in Forsetti's maps.

1) Kyo: Help me Conquer my Fear...
This one is done at the very start. First, you must go to the place where he was nearly killed in, locate the square room where exits go up, down, left and right. If you enter the room Kyo will tell you where to go from there. Go there and walk up to the altar (6). Then just finish the floor and you would have cleared this one.
Reward: Keep Kyo as a member.
2) Ricardo: Tell me what Trust is...
Just like the above Quest. At the square room, go left instead and you will enter a small room (4). Head to the skeleton in the corner and search and you will be ambushed. Defeat both Thieves. Then just finish the floor and that's that.
Reward: Keep Ricardo as a member.
3) Lisa: Charm to fulfill a love...
Easy one, just go back to the tavern with a Pixie Wing in hand. Pixies are found all over the 1st floor.
Reward: 300 EXP, Hair Ornament (Lapis Ornament).
4) Lydia: Help my Boyfriend...
Another easy one. Just go back to the square room and watch the scene that unfolds, then go off to the room where you did Ricardo's Quest (4).
Reward: 350 EXP, Magic Stone (Feal Stone).
5) Lydia: Change my Boyfriend...
Not so easy this time. To make him tired of his shop, sell him every sellable material there is in the game (until his inventory list is complete). Check the "Spells" section for a complete listing of the materials you need to sell, and check the "Monsters" section for info on what Monsters drop them. Don't worry when he leaves, he'll come back once you re-visit the shop the next time.
Reward: 50,000 EXP, Shield (Pheromone Shield).
6) Maria: Train me to be a Priest...
Upon meeting undeads, let them hit you until one gets gets you paralyzed, then go back to the tavern. No problem.
Reward: 400 EXP, Magic Stone (Parazkea Stone).
7) Maria: Train me to be a Bishop...
You'll need a low-level Carcass Spell first. Once one of your Members dies, cast the spell at him. Sometimes he will turn to ash (a big gray cross replaces the red one). Once that occurs, go back to the tavern.
Reward: 1000 EXP, Cloak (Bishop's Cloak).
8) Helga: I'm opening a Magic Stone Shop!...
You will want the Labyrinth Stone, you'll get it when you find the trap-making orc Gotz on the first floor. Give it to Helga at the tavern. Oh, you should also go to her room on B1 (2) and see what happens.
Reward: 800 EXP, Magic Stone (Creta Stone).
9) Helga: I'm opening a Weapons Shop!...
To get a Hound's Ear, go down and fight a Glare Hound on the 5th floor and onwards and you'll get one. Go back to the tavern to get your reward.
Reward: 5000 EXP, Mace (Combo Mace).
10) Helga: I'll sell Special Swords!...
Nothing to it. After you get the Houndsword (it's a special item, not a weapon), fight 30 battles or more then return to town (you don't have to do it all in one sitting) and a warrior will remark that he wants the weapon. Go back to the tavern. Also, after a while, when in town an announcement of Helgamart opening will occur at her room in B1. Now go there (2). Oh, and you might want to bring a Dragon Heart too.
Reward: 8000 EXP, Vellum (Recovering Vellum).
11) Garcia: Find a girl named Rui...
The Quest won't appear, but go to B2 (Old Jail) and look for Rui, she's on the 2nd floor, in 1 of the cells (10). Back to the Tavern you go, accept the Quest. Yup, record time completion!
Reward 400 EXP.
12) Garcia: Deliver an Axe...
This one's tough. Go down to B8 (Sham Sanctuary) and go to the big room in the lower left corner of the map (7) (Use Maps spell if necessary). A really tough battle with a Vampire Lord will occur here. To defeat him, you must kill the 2 front Vampires within 1 or 2 rounds or the Vampire Lord will decimate you with Zakuld. And no, you can't use Spell Cancel because the other 2 Vampires will cast spells 1st (really worthless ones, to piss you off further). Try Daiba and a strong Zakreta (Zakreta should kill at least 1 of the Vampires). Once both Vampires are dead, old Vampire Lord himself is a pushover, Spell Cancel non-stop (his physical attacks are pathetic), and he'll be down in no time. Watch what enfolds, then go back to Garcia at the tavern.
Reward: 38,000 EXP, Two-Handed Sword (Neck Breaker).
13) Lorenzo: Check if he's Dead or Alive...
Head down to the 4th floor of B2 (Old Jail) and go into 1 of the cells there (18), then search the skeleton. Then head back to the tavern.
Reward: 1500 EXP, Dagger (Petrified Dagger).
14) Anonym: Tell me who I am...
Head back down to the 4th floor of B2 (where you did Lorenzo's Quest), you'll meet a Fairy there (19). After that talk, head back to the tavern.
Reward: 2000 EXP, Staff (Silencing Staff).
15) Merrick: I want to make a Wonder Drug...
Get him 2 Dragon Hearts. Dragons first appear in B3.
Reward: 4500 EXP, Cloak (Cloak of Anti-Evil).
16) Palo: I want to Sleep Soundly...
This is a rather disturbing Quest. Head to B4 (Ancient Cemetery) and drop down to the tunnels located in the lower right of the map, then go to the furthest right room (B12). Be prepared to fight a rotting corpse (he's quite pushover when you use spells).
Reward: 11,000 EXP, Charm (Ash Charm).
17) Rose - Find out about my Husband...
Yet another disturbing quest. Head down to B4 (Ancient Cemetery) then walk around the upper area and you'll bump into Giorgio eventually (A14). Ooh... spooky.
Reward: 10,000 EXP, Hair Ornament (Elf Hair Ornament)>
18) Gustav: Recover our Party's Shield...
Similarly themed to the above 2 Quests. Back to B4 and drop down into the tunnel located upper right of the map. There should be a bag on the ground (B13), get it. When a zombie appears, choose to observe it for a while, that's so you can get Orphe and Aoba in your party later.
Reward: 11,000 EXP, Shield (Reinforcing Shield).
19) Paul - I wanna do the Right Thing...
Head down to B5 (waterfall) and locate the Fairy's Spring, head down the outside path, all the way until you reach the break in the path. It's in a room nearby (16). Check the spring. Dang, don't you wish there were more of these in the game?
Reward: 12,000 EXP, Wrist (Parvenu Wrist)
20) Geese: Please find Hannah...
Back down to B5. Somewhere above the Fairy's Spring is a room guarded by a Fairy (8). If you accept this Quest a little scene will occur and you will end up fighting a Lesser Demon in the room inside. He's not tough. Use Restrict Shot (he doesn't cast spells all that often) and Double Slash over and over and he'll go down like a ton of screaming bricks.
Reward: 21,000 EXP, Wrist (Knight Wrist).
21) Fawn: Please bring back our Music...
Back down to B5. Nearby the Fairy's Spring, find the Music Shop (15). Then watch the scene, and head back to the tavern. Listen to the rather nice song, and pick up your reward.
Reward: 12,000 EXP, Hair Ornament (Mitral Ornament)
22) Walter: Find a certain book...
Walter's Book of Festivals is located in the unmappable region of B6 (Moldy Fort), just enter the door and look to the right and you'll spot it immediately (14).
Reward: 30,000 EXP, Ring (Sorcerer's Ring).
23) Hina: Help my Brother...
This Quest can only be done with Hina in your party. You should have reached B8 (Sham Sanctuary) since only then will you be powerful enough to kill the Boss here. Get Hina, then use the teleport to B8. Then go up, pass the Labyrinth, then up again. Now you're in the tail end of B6, where you should have passed a skeleton chained to a wall (12). A Greater Demon will appear, and you're in for a tough fight. His physical attacks hurt more than his Spells (though both hurt a lot) so use Restrict Attack. Daiba or Zaiba to power up your front members, then Double Slash repeatedly. Don't use Converge Attack since it won't do as much damage. Leave your free back row member to heal.
Reward: Nothing... except Hina is happier.
24) Elizabeth: I want to go to the Labyrinth...
This final Quest only appears when you've cleared nearly all the side-quests of the game. It's not hard... just quite tedious. You are supposed to take 2 old folks down the Labyrinth (all the way to B6), stopping at what they call "Sight-Seeing Spots" on each floor. Nothing too hard if you know your way around well. Here are the stops:
B1) Spring of Fortune: The pool just by the exit (11).
B2) Prison of Evil: Where you did Lorenzo's Quest (18).
B3) Labyrinth: Go down to B4, then go back up to B3.
B4) Grave of the Gorgeous Couple, After falling down the 1st red pit, once you are back to ground level head East then South a little. In a dead-end surrounded by pits you'll find the grave (A15).
B5) Sage's Spring: Where you did Paul's Quest (16).
B6) Hell of Mold: This is the unmappable area. Just walk right through it like you normally do. They will leave and transfer back to town after you leave the "Hell of Mold". Go back with them and claim the reward at the tavern.
Reward: 40,000 EXP, Robe (Pashmina Robe).