~Spells List Guide~

Material Spells...
You will pick up plenty of the Monster's grisly bits as you hack through mounds and mounds of them. These bits can be brought to Vigger's shop, where his Wife will combine them for you to turn them into Stones. Using these Stones gives you Spells. You can use a Stone repeatedly on the same person to power up your Spells, and the effect of powering up is fairly drastic. In fact most Spells at level 1 are nearly useless, so powering up the Spells are pretty important. The complete listing of all the Spells you can make in the game are listed below...
A little into the game, a Material Shop will open on the 1st Basement Level (B1). You can sell a Monsters Material here, and henceforth buy that Material infinitely. In fact, that's where almost all your money will go later in the game, since Dungeon Shops sell stuff you can find elsewhere (and probably have a lot of already), and Vigger's shop is more of an expensive storeroom than a shop.
Here's the complete listing of all the Materials in the game as listed in order at the Material Shop. To find out what Monsters drop what Materials, check the "Monster List" section.

Page 1Rotten Meat
Devil's Horn
Vampire's Claw
Undead Dragon Wing
Pied Piper's Flute
Page 2Giant's Tooth
Giant's Guts
Giant's Blood
Dragon Heart
Dragon Scale
Dragon Tail
Page 3Bogey Cat's Fur
Bogey Bird's Claw
Frog Tongue
Wyvern's Eyeball
Hound's Ear
Chimera's Head
Page 4Slime's Goo
Pixie's Wing
Demon Egg
Slime Jelly
Fairy's Wing
Page 5Broken Sword
Thief's Blood
Ninja's Hood
Priest Hair
Sorcerer's Earring
Samurai's Beard
Bishop's Bracelet

There are 3 Boss Materials which can't be obtained anywhere else (i.e. there's only one of them in the game), they are Incubus Wing, Golem's Flesh and Sword Fragment. Though they act like materials, they can't be sold at the Material Shop thus can't be re-bought. They're also the materials required for the best spells (non-vellum type) of the game. However, those spells can also be made using other materials as well, so they aren't all that important so don't fret if you've accidentally used them.
Be careful when the Moon is Red (check the circle where you also see your overall trust). When making or separating stones during this time, random things will occur. Might be good, might be bad, just quite unpredictable. This also occurs, in a lesser degree, during a Yellow Moon. It is great for getting the rare materials of the game, though.
Vellum Spells...
Vellum is another sort of spell. These are more powerful spells that Vigger's Wife does'nt have recipe for, so you have to find them. They are the most useful spells in the game, so it's a good idea to hunt high and low for them. Unlike normal spells which require 2 monster materials, these require 3, often rare ones. The complete list and their location is as follows. I've also included position markers for Forsetti's maps if you are using those as well (in brackets), though some of them aren't marked. Here goes:

Hypnosis VellumB2 2nd floor down (not marked)
Guiding VellumB1 Daniel gives it to you (not marked)
Sculpture VellumB4 It's in a pit (Near B8)
Silence VellumB4 In the first red pit (B1)
Healing VellumB2 Behind a Reaper Door (20 or near 21)
Antidote VellumB5 Just before the exit to B6 (not marked)
Light-Up VellumB6 South of first one-way door, west side (not marked)
Resurrect VellumB5 In a dead end (5 in Floor 3)
Mutation VellumB8 In one of the big rooms (7)
Recovering VellumB1 Finish Helga's 3rd Quest
Transfer VellumB6 In the Poison Floor Room (South of 4)
Conversion VellumDimension World on one of the floors (Near 13)
Blazing VellumB10 Behind a crumbly wall near the door (53)
Reviving VellumB8 In one of the big rooms (22)

If you want to know the materials needed to make them, take a look at the list below, it's all there!
Mutated Spells...
You may notice a few spells that some characters have that you can't seem to make. These are Mutated Stones, that can be randomly made only during a Red Moon. Head to Vigger's Shop at this time and combine these materials to form these unique stones. I've also put down what these combinations normally make when not in a Red Moon (in brackets) in case you have trouble finding them:

Rotten Meat x Priest's Hair = Ash (normally Barrets)
Skull x Priest's Hair = Ash (normally Teal)
Devil's Horn x Priest's Hair = Shulard (normally Teal)
Vampire Claw x Priest's Hair = Punish (normally Kuld)
Undead Dragon Wing x Priest's Hair = Merciful (normally Kuld)
Pied Piper's Flute x Priest's Hair = Deadly (normally Jakreta)

They don't work all the time, so keep trying! You can also get all the Mutated Stones from disarming Gotz's Level 5 Trap.

Priest Spells List

NameLvlMaster AtTargetDescription
Bless191 CharacterIncrease Evade
Feal1251 CharacterRestore HP
Barrets1251 EnemyInflict Damage
Kowt151 CharacterIncrease Agility
Conair291 RowIncrease Evade
Conairu39All PartyIncrease Evade
Safeal3501 CharacterRestore Half HP
Conkowt351 RowIncrease Agility
Feals4501 RowRestore half HP
Sabarrets4321 EnemyInflict Damage
Jiscort45All PartyIncrease Agility
Lafeal5401 CharacterRestore Large HP
Force5401 EnemyHuge Inflict of Damage
Stipyl5101 RowFire Damage
Amok6201 RowInflict Damage
Stigma710All EnemyInflict Damage........................

Sorcerer Spells List

NameLvlMaster AtTargetDescription
Creta1301 EnemyFire Damage
Hardy19CasterIncrease Evade
Teal1101 RowThunder Damage
Yaiba2101 CharacterIncrease Damage, can kill Undead
Zateal2201 RowLarge Thunder Damage
Zakreta3101 RowLarge Fire Damage
Jateal330All EnemyHuge Thunder Damage
Zaiba3101 RowIncrease Damage, can kill Undead
Delpus491 RowDecrease Evade
Kuld4101 RowIce Damage
Jakreta420All EnemyHuge Fire Damage
Zakuld5201 RowLarge Ice Damage
Dipps59All EnemyDecrease Evade
Daiba610All EnemyIncrease Damage, can kill Undead
Jakuld630All EnemyLarge Ice Damage

Stones Recipe List

Here is the list of all Spell Stones and their formula. When you have a Stone you can also separate it to get back the materials. If you look at the Moon on your screen. When it becomes Yellow or Red and you make or separate a Stone you can get something good. Like you make a Kuld Stone and you get a Jakuld Stone or you build a Teal Stone using Rotten Meat x Sorcerer's Earring, then you separate the Stone and get something else like Vampire Claw x Thief's Blood. It's one way to get all materials fast.
Spells aren't really important in this game. Only for Boss's and the last 4 floors (8,9,10,11). Before that your Allied Action can do the job without any problem.

Priest Spell

Bless Rotten Meat x Broken Sword
Giant's Tooth x Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Broken Sword
Bogey Cat's Fur x Bogey Cat's Fur
Bogey Cat's Fur x Slime's Goo
Feal Broken Sword x Slime's Goo
Slime's Goo x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Fur x Broken Sword
Barrets Rotten Meat x Thief's Blood
Skull x Thief's Blood
Rotten Meat x Ninja's Hood
Skull x Broken Sword
Rotten Meat x Priest's Hair
Devil's Horn x Broken Sword
Giant's Tooth x Pixie's Wing
Giant's Guts x Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Demon Egg
Giant's Guts x Pixie's Wing
Giant's Tooth x Thief's Blood
Giant's Guts x Broken Sword
Giant's Tooth x Ninja's Hood
Giant's Guts x Thief's Blood
Giant's Blood x Slime's Goo
Giant's Blood x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Fur x Demon Egg
Bogey Cat's Fur x Pixie's Wing
Bogey Cat's Fur x Frog Tongue
Bogey Cat's Fur x Bogey Cat's Claw
Frog Tongue x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Claw x Bogey Cat's Claw
Bogey Cat's Claw x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Claw x Pixie's Wing
Kowt Broken Sword x Broken Sword
Broken Sword x Thief's Blood
Thief's Blood x Thief's Blood
Conair Broken Sword x Priest's Hair
Thief's Blood x Priest's Hair
Broken Sword x Sorceror's Earring
Thief's Blood x Ninja's Hood
Ninja's Hood x Ninja's Hood
Conairu Rotten Meat x Giant's Guts
Skull x Giant's Tooth
Rotten Meat x Giant's Blood
Skull x Giant's Guts
Rotten Meat x Skull
Skull x Skull
Rotten Meat x Devil's Horn
Devil's Horn x Giant's Tooth
Safeal Broken Sword x Samurai's Beard
Broken Sword x Bishop's Bracelet
Thief's Blood x Sorceror's Earring
Thief's Blood x Samurai's Beard
Ninja's Hood x Sorceror's Earring
Ninja's Hood x Priest's Hair
Priest's Hair x Priest's Hair
Conkowt Rotten Meat x Vampire Claw
Rotten Meat x Undead Dragon Wing
Rotten Meat x Dragon Heart
Rotten Meat x Dragon Scale
Skull x Devil's Horn
Skull x Vampire Claw
Skull x Giant's Blood
Skull x Dragon Heart
Devil's Horn x Devil's Horn
Devil's Horn x Giant's Blood
Devil's Horn x Giant's Guts
Vampire Claw x Giant's Guts
Vampire Claw x Giant's Tooth
Undead Dragon Wing x Giant's Tooth
Fealds Rotten Meat x Incubus Wing
Rotten Meat x Chimera's Head
Rotten Meat x Fairy's Wing
Skull x Fairy's Wing
Skull x Hound's Ear
Skull x Chimera's Head
Skull x Slime Jelly
Devil's Horn x Cocoon
Devil's Horn x Hound's Ear
Devil's Horn x Wyvern's Eyeball
Devil's Horn x Slime Jelly
Vampire Claw x Frog Tongue
Vampire Claw x Wyvern's Eyeball
Vampire Claw x Demon Egg
Vampire Claw x Cocoon
Undead Dragon Wing x Bogey Cat's Claw
Undead Dragon Wing x Frog Tongue
Undead Dragon Wing x Pixies Wing
Undead Dragon Wing x Demon Egg
Pied Piper's Flute x Pixies Wing
Pied Piper's Flute x Slime's Goo
Pied Piper's Flute x Bogey Cat's Claw
Pied Piper's Flute x Bogey Cat's Fur
Giant's Tooth x Incubus Wing
Giant's Tooth x Chimera's Head
Giant's Tooth x Dragon Tail
Giant's Guts x Chimera's Head
Giant's Guts x Dragon Tail
Giant's Guts x Dragon Scale
Giant's Guts x Hound's Ear
Giant's Blood x Hound's Ear
Giant's Blood x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Blood x Dragon Scale
Giant's Blood x Dragon Heart
Dragon Heart x Wyvern's Eyeball
Dragon Heart x Frog Tongue
Dragon Scale x Frog Tongue
Dragon Scale x Bogey Cat's Claw
Dragon Tail x Bogey Cat's Fur
Dragon Tail x Bogey Cat's Claw
Bogey Cat's Fur x Golem's Flesh
Slime's Goo x Golem's Flesh
Dragon Heart x Dragon Heart
Sabarrets Skull x Incubus Wing
Devil's Horn x Chimera's Head
Devil's Horn x Incubus Wing
Devil's Horn x Fairy's Wing
Vampire Claw x Fairy's Wing
Vampire Claw x Chimera's Head
Vampire Claw x Hound's Ear
Vampire Claw x Slime Jelly
Undead Dragon Wing x Slime Jelly
Undead Dragon Wing x Hound's Ear
Undead Dragon Wing x Cocoon
Undead Dragon Wing x Wyvern's Eyeball
Pied Piper's Flute x Wyvern's Eyeball
Pied Piper's Flute x Cocoon
Pied Piper's Flute x Demon Egg
Pied Piper's Flute x Frog Tongue
Giant's Guts x Incubus Wing
Giant's Blood x Incubus Wing
Giant's Blood x Chimera's Head
Giant's Blood x Dragon Tail
Giant's Heart x Dragon Tail
Giant's Heart x Dragon Scale
Giant's Heart x Hound's Ear
Giant's Heart x Chimera's Head
Giant's Scale x Dragon Scale
Giant's Scale x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Scale x Hound's Ear
Giant's Tail x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Tail x Frog Tongue
Bogey Bird's Claw x Golem's Flesh
Bogey Bird's Claw x Sword Fragment
Bogey Cat's Fur x Sword Fragment
Frog Tongue x Golem's Flesh
Slime's Goo x Sword Fragment
Pixie's Wing x Golem's Flesh
Pixie's Wing x Sword Fragment
Demon Egg x Golem's Flesh
Jiscort Giant's Tooth x Bogey Cat's Fur
Rotten Meat x Bogey Cat's Fur
Rotten Meat x Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Giant's Tooth
Lafeal Bogey Bird's Claw x Bishp's Bracelet
Frog Tongue x Samurai's Beard
Frog Tongue x Bishop's Bracelet
Wyvern's Eyeball x Samurai's Beard
Wyvern's Eyeball x Sorceror's Earring
Chimera's Head x Ninja's Hood
Chimera's Head x Priest's Hair
Pixie's Wing x Bishp's Bracelet
Demon Egg x Samurai's Beard
Demon Egg x Fairy's Wing
Demon Egg x Bishp's Bracelet
Cocoon x Samurai's Beard
Cocoon x Slime Jelly
Cocoon x Fairy's Wing
Cocoon x Sorceror's Earring
Slime Jelly x Priest's Hair
Slime Jelly x Sorceror's Earring
Thief's Blood x Incubus Wing
Ninja's Hood x Incubus Wing
Hound's Ear x Priest's Hair
Hound's Ear x Sorceror's Earring
Slime Jelly x Slime Jelly
Slime Jelly x Priest's Hair
Slime Jelly x Sorceror's Earring
Fairy's Wing x Ninja's Hood
Fairy's Wing x Priest's Hair
Force Rotten Meat x Sword Fragment
Skull x Sword Fragment
Skull x Golem's Flesh
Devil's Horn x Pied Piper's Flute
Devil's Horn x Dragon Tail
Devil's Horn x Golem's Flesh
Vampire Claw x Pied Piper's Flute
Vampire Claw x Dragon Scale
Vampire Claw x Undead Dragon Wing
Vampire Claw x Dragon Tail
Undead Dragon Wing x Undead Dragon Wing
Undead Dragon Wing x Dragon Heart
Undead Dragon Wing x Dragon Scale
Pied Piper's Flute x Giant's Blood
Pied Piper's Flute x Dragon Heart
Giant's Guts x Golem's Flesh
Giant's Guts x Sword Fragment
Giant's Tooth x Sword Fragment
Giant's Blood x Golem's Flesh
Stipyl Undead Dragon Wing x Samurai's Beard
Pied Piper's Flute x Sorceror's Earring
Pied Piper's Flute x Samurai's Beard
Dragon Heart x Bishop's Bracelet
Dragon Scale x Bishop's Bracelet
Dragon Scale x Samurai's Beard
Dragon Tail x Samurai's Beard
Dragon Tail x Slime Jelly
Dragon Tail x Sorceror's Earring
Wyvern's Eyeball x Incubus Wing
Hound's Ear x Chimera's Head
Hound's Ear x Incubus Wing
Cocoon x Incubus Wing
Slime Jelly x Incubus Wing
Ninja's Hood x Sword Fragment
Priest Hair x Golem's Flesh
Priest Hair x Sword Fragment
Sorceror's Earring x Golem's Flesh
Chimera's Head x Chimera's Head
Chimera's Head x Slime Jelly
Dragon Scale x Fairy's Wing
Dragon Tail x Fairy's Wing
Hound's Ear x Fairy's Wing
Chimera's Head x Fairy's Wing
Amok Rotten Meat x Wyvern's Eyeball
Rotten Meat x Hound's Ear
Rotten Meat x Cocoon
Rotten Meat x Slime Jelly
Skull x Frog Tongue
Skull x Wyvern's Eyeball
Skull x Demon Egg
Skull x Cocoon
Devil's Horn x Frog Tongue
Devil's Horn x Demon Egg
Devil's Horn x Pixie's Wing
Devil's Horn x Bogey Cat's Claw
Vampire Claw x Bogey Cat's Fur
Vampire Claw x Bogey Cat's Claw
Vampire Claw x Slime's Goo
Vampire Claw x Pixie's Wing
Undead Dragon Wing x Bogey Cat's Fur
Undead Dragon Wing x Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Tooth x Dragon Heart
Giant's Tooth x Dragon Scale
Giant's Tooth x Hound's Ear
Giant's Guts x Giant's Blood
Giant's Guts x Dragon Heart
Giant's Guts x Frog Tongue
Giant's Guts x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Blood x Bogey Cat's Claw
Giant's Blood x Frog Tongue
Dragon Heart x Bogey Cat's Claw
Dragon Heart x Bogey Cat's Fur
Dragon Heart x Bogey Cat's Fur
Slime Jelly x Slime Jelly
Stigma Devil's Horn x Sword Fragment
Vampire Claw x Golem's Flesh
Vampire Claw x Sword Fragment
Undead Dragon Wing x Pied Piper's Flute
Undead Dragon Wing x Dragon Tail
Undead Dragon Wing x Golem's Flesh
Pied Piper's Flute x Pied Piper's Flute
Pied Piper's Flute x Dragon Scale
Pied Piper's Flute x Dragon Tail
Giant's Blood x Sword Fragment
Dragon Heart x Golem's Flesh
Dragon Heart x Sword Fragment
Dragon Scale x Golem's Flesh

Sorcerer Spells

Creta Broken Sword x Broken Sword
Hardy Bogey Cat's Fur x Ninja's Hood
Slime's Goo x Ninja's Hood
Pixie's Wing x Pixie's Wing
Bogey Cat's Fur x Thief's Blood
Bogey Bird's Claw x Thief's Blood
Slime's Goo x Pixie's Wing
Slime's Goo x Demon Egg
Slime's Goo x Thief's Blood
Bogey Bird's Claw x Broken Sword
Pixie's Wing x Broken Sword
Frog Tongue x Broken Sword
Demon Egg x Broken Sword
Teal Skull x Ninja's Hood
Devil's Horn x Ninja's Hood
Devil's Horn x Priest's Hair
Giant's Tooth x Slime Jelly
Giant's Tooth x Priest's Hair
Giant's Tooth x Sorcerer's Earring
Giant's Guts x Demon Egg
Giant's Guts x Cocoon
Giant's Guts x Ninja's Hood
Giant's Guts x Priest's Hair
Giant's Blood x Pixie's Wing
Giant's Blood x Demon Egg
Giant's Blood x Thief's Blood
Giant's Blood x Ninja's Hood
Dragon Heart x Slime's Goo
Dragon Heart x Pixie's Wing
Dragon Heart x Thief's Blood
Dragon Scale x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Fur x Slime Jelly
Bogey Bird's Claw x Demon Egg
Bogey Bird's Claw x Cocoon
Frog Tongue Frog Tongue
Wyvern's Eyeball x Slime's Goo
Hound's Ear x Slime's Goo
Rotten Meat x Sorcerer's Earring
Skull x Priest's Hair
Devil's Horn x Thief's Blood
Giant Tooth x Cocoon
Bogey Cat's Fur x Wyvern's Eyeball
Bogey Cat's Fur x Hound's Ear
Bogey Cat's Fur x Cocoon
Bogey Bird's Claw x Frog Tongue
Bogey Bird's Claw x Wyvern's Eyeball
Frog Tongue x Pixie's Wing
Frog Tongue x Demon Egg
Wyvern's Eyeball x Pixie's Wing
Dragon Heart x Broken Sword
Vampire Claw x Broken Sword
Vampire Claw x Thief's Blood
Undead Dragon Wing x Broken Sword
Dragon Scale x Broken Sword
Yaiba Rotten Meat x Giant's Tooth
Rotten Meat x Rotten Meat
Zateal Thief's Blood x Bishop's Bracelet
Ninja's Hood x Bishop's Bracelet
Priest's Hair x Sorcerer's Earring
Priest's Hair x Samurai's Beard
Sorcerer's Earring x Sorcerer's Earring
Ninja's Hood x Samurai's Beard
Zakreta Priest's Hair x Bishop's Bracelet
Sorcerer's Earring x Samurai's Beard
Sorcerer's Earring x Bishop's Bracelet
Samurai's Beard x Samurai's Beard
Jakreta Samurai's Beard x Bishop's Bracelet
Bishop's Bracelet x Bishop's Bracelet
Zaiba Bogey Cat's Fur x Priest's Hair
Bogey Bird's Claw x Ninja's Hood
Bogey Bird's Claw x Priest's Hair
Frog Tongue x Ninja's Hood
Wyvern's Eyeball x Thief's Blood
Slime's Goo x Cocoon
Slime's Goo x Demon Egg
Slime's Goo x Priest's Hair
Slime's Goo x Sorcerer's Earring
Pixie's Wing x Demon Egg
Pixie's Wing x Cocoon
Pixie's Wing x Priest's Hair
Demon Egg x Demon Egg
Demon Egg x Thief's Blood
Demon Egg x Ninja's Hood
Cocoon x Thief's Blood
Bogey Cat's Fur x Sorcerer's Earring
Frog Tongue x Thief's Blood
Pixie's Wing x Ninja's Hood
Hound's Ear x Broken Sword
Cocoon x Broken Sword
Wyvern's Eyeball x Broken Sword
Slime Jelly x Broken Sword
Delpus Bogey Cat's Fur x Bishop's Bracelet
Bogey Bird's Claw x Sorcerer's Earring
Bogey Bird's Claw x Samurai's Beard
Frog Tongue x Priest's Hair
Frog Tongue x Sorcerer's Earring
Wyvern's Eyeball x Ninja's Hood
Wyvern's Eyeball x Priest's Hair
Hound's Ear x Ninja's Hood
Chimera's Head x Thief's Blood
Slime's Goo x Fairy's Wing
Slime's Goo x Samurai's Beard
Slime's Goo x Bishop's Bracelet
Pixie's Wing x Slime Jelly
Pixie's Wing x Fairy's Wing
Pixie's Wing x Sorcerer's Earring
Pixie's Wing x Samurai's Beard
Demon Egg x Cocoon
Demon Egg x Slime Jelly
Demon Egg x Priest's Hair
Demon Egg x Sorcerer's Earring
Cocoon x Ninja's Hood
Cocoon x Priest's Hair
Slime Jelly x Thief's Blood
Slime Jelly x Ninja's Hood
Fairy's Wing x Thief's Blood
Hound's Ear x Thief's Blood
Cocoon x Cocoon
Chimera's Head x Broken Sword
Fairy's Wings x Broken Sword
Broken Sword x Incubus Wing
Bogey Cat's Fur x Samurai's Beard
Kuld Rotten Meat x Samurai's Beard
Rotten Meat x Bishop's Bracelet
Skull x Samurai's Beard
Skull x Sorcerer's Earring
Skull x Bishop's Bracelet
Devil's Horn x Sorcerer's Earring
Undead Dragon Wing x Thief's Blood
Undead Dragon Wing x Ninja's Hood
Undead Dragon Wing x Priest's Hair
Pied Piper's Flute x Fairy's Wing
Giant's Tooth x Slime Jelly
Giant's Tooth x Samurai's Beard
Giant's Tooth x Bishop's Bracelet
Giant's Guts x Slime Jelly
Giant's Guts x Fairy's Wing
Giant's Guts x Sorcerer's Earring
Giant's Guts x Samurai's Beard
Giant's Blood x Cocoon
Giant's Blood x Slime Jelly
Giant's Blood x Priest's Hair
Giant's Blood x Sorcerer's Earring
Dragon Heart x Demon Egg
Dragon Heart x Cocoon
Dragon Heart x Priest's Hair
Dragon Scale x Pixie's Wing
Dragon Scale x Demon Egg
Dragon Scale x Thief's Blood
Dragon Scale x Ninja's Hood
Dragon Tail x Slime's Goo
Dragon Tail x Pixie's Wing
Dragon Tail x Thief's Blood
Bogey Cat's Fur x Chimera's Head
Bogey Cat's Fur x Fairy's Wing
Bogey Cat's Fur x Incubus Wing
Bogey Bird's Claw x Hound's Ear
Bogey Bird's Claw x Chimera's Head
Bogey Bird's Claw x Slime Jelly
Bogey Bird's Claw x Fairy's Wing
Frog Tongue x Slime Jelly
Wyvern's Eyeball x Wyvern's Eyeball
Wyvern's Eyeball x Cocoon
Hound's Ear x Demon Egg
Chimera's Head x Slime's Goo
Chimera's Head x Pixie's Wing
Slime's Goo x Incubus Wing
Dragon Heart x Ninja's Hood
Frog Tongue x Wyvern's Eyeball
Frog Tongue x Hound's Ear
Frog Tongue x Cocoon
Wyvern's Eyeball x Demon Egg
Hound's Ear x Pixie's Wing
Vampire Claw x Ninja's Hood
Vampire Claw x Priest's Hair
Pied Piper's Flute x Broken Sword
Dragon Tail x Broken Sword
Broken Sword x Golem's Flesh
Jakreta Devil's Horn x Samurai's Beard
Devil's Horn x Bishop's Bracelet
Undead Dragon Wing x Sorcerer's Earring
Pied Piper's Flute x Ninja's Hood
Pied Piper's Flute x Priest's Hair
Giant's Guts x Bishop's Bracelet
Giant's Blood x Fairy's Wing
Giant's Blood x Samurai's Beard
Giant's Blood x Bishop's Bracelet
Dragon Heart x Slime Jelly
Dragon Heart x Fairy's Wing
Dragon Heart x Sorcerer's Earring
Dragon Heart x Samurai's Beard
Dragon Scale x Cocoon
Dragon Scale x Slime Jelly
Dragon Scale x Priest's Hair
Dragon Scale x Sorcerer's Earring
Dragon Tail x Demon Egg
Dragon Tail x Cocoon
Dragon Tail x Ninja's Hood
Dragon Tail x Priest's Hair
Bogey Bird's Claw x Incubus Wing
Frog Tongue x Fairy's Wing
Frog Tongue x Incubus Wing
Wyvern's Eyeball x Hound's Ear
Wyvern's Eyeball x Chimera's Head
Wyvern's Eyeball x Slime Jelly
Wyvern's Eyeball x Fairy's Wing
Chimera's Head x Demon Egg
Pixie's Wing x Incubus Wing
Demon Egg x Incubus Wing
Thief's Blood x Golem's Flesh
Ninja's Hood x Golem's Flesh
Frog Tongue x Chimera's Head
Hound's Ear x Hound's Ear
Hound's Ear x Cocoon
Hound's Ear x Slime Jelly
Chimera's Head x Cocoon
Vampire Claw x Sorcerer's Earring
Vampire Claw x Samurai's Beard
Vampire Claw x Bishop's Bracelet
Broken Sword x Sword Fragment
Thief's Blood x Broken Sword
Zakuld Rotten Meat x Pied Piper's Flute
Rotten Meat x Dragon Tail
Rotten Meat x Golem's Flesh
Skull x Undead Dragon Wing
Skull x Pied Piper's Flute
Skull x Dragon Scale
Skull x Dragon Tail
Devil's Horn x Undead Dragon Wing
Devil's Horn x Dragon Heart
Devil's Horn x Dragon Scale
Undead Dragon Wing x Giant's Guts
Undead Dragon Wing x Giant's Blood
Pied Piper's Flute x Giant's Tooth
Pied Piper's Flute x Giant's Guts
Pied Piper's Flute x Bishop's Bracelet
Giant's Tooth x Golem's Flesh
Undead Dragon Wing x Bishop's Bracelet
Devil's Horn x Vampire Claw
Vampire Claw x Vampire Claw
Vampire Claw x Giant's Blood
Vampire Claw x Giant's Guts
Dipps Wyvern's Eyeball x Bishop's Bracelet
Hound's Ear x Bishop's Bracelet
Chimera's Head x Sorcerer's Earring
Chimera's Head x Bishop's Bracelet
Cocoon x Bishop's Bracelet
Slime Jelly x Fairy's Wing
Slime Jelly x Samurai's Beard
Slime Jelly x Bishop's Bracelet
Fairy's Wing x Fairy's Wing
Fairy's Wing x Sorcerer's Earring
Fairy's Wing x Samurai's Beard
Fairy's Wing x Bishop's Bracelet
Priest's Hair x Incubus Wing
Sorcerer'sEarring x Incubus Wing
Samurai's Beard x Incubus Wing
Bishop's Bracelet x Incubus Wing
Hound's Ear x Samurai's Beard
Chimera's Head x Samurai's Beard
Daiba Rotten Meat x Frog Tongue
Skull x Bogey Cat's Fur
Skull x Bogey Bird's Claw
Skull x Slime's Goo
Skull x Pixie's Wing
Devil's Horn x Bogey Cat's Fur
Devil's Horn x Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Giant's Guts
Giant's Tooth x Giant's Blood
Giant's Tooth x Bogey Bird's Claw
Giant's Tooth x Frog Tongue
Giant's Guts x Giant's Guts
Giant's Guts x Bogey Cat's Fur
Giant's Guts x Bogey Bird's Claw
Giant's Blood x Bogey Cat's Fur
Rotten Meat x Bogey Bird's Claw
Rotten Meat x Pixie's Wing
Rotten Meat x Demon Egg
Jakuld Undead Dragon Wing x Chimera's Head
Undead Dragon Wing x Fairy's Wing
Undead Dragon Wing x Hound's Ear
Pied Piper's Flute x Slime Jelly
Pied Piper's Flute x Incubus Wing
Pied Piper's Flute x Fairy's Wing
Pied Piper's Flute x Incubus Wing
Dragon Heart x Incubus Wing
Dragon Scale x Dragon Tail
Dragon Scale x Chimera's Head
Dragon Scale x Incubus Wing
Dragon Tail x Dragon Tail
Dragon Tail x Hound's Ear
Dragon Tail x Chimera's Head
Dragon Tail x Incubus Wing
Wyvern's Eyeball x Golem's Flesh
Hound's Ear x Golem's Flesh
Chimera's Head x Golem's Flesh
Cocoon x Golem's Flesh
Slime Jelly x Golem's Flesh
Fairy's Wing x Golem's Flesh
Incubus Wing x Golem's Flesh
Pied Piper's Flute x Chimera's Head
Vampire Claw x Incubus Wing
Frog Tongue x Sword Fragment
Wyvern's Eyeball x Sword Fragment
Hound's Ear x Sword Fragment
Chimera's Head x Sword Fragment
Demon Egg x Sword Fragment
Cocoon x Sword Fragment
Slime Jelly x Sword Fragment
Fairy's Wing x Sword Fragment
Incubus Wing x Sword Fragment

Vellum Spells List

Vellums are the other kinds of Priest or Sorcerer Spells. You need Tree Materials to make them and you have only 1 formula. You also need to find the Vellum Scroll to be able to build a Stone. The Stone build by a Vellum Formula can't be separated. Most of these Spells are maxed out at Level 1.

Sculpture Vellum...
Recipe: Rotten Meat x Frog Tongue x Broken Sword
Result: Strain Stone - Level 2 Priest
Effect: Paralyze a Row of Enemy.
Silence Vellum...
Recipe: Bogey Cat's Fur x Pixie's Wing x Thief's Blood
Result: Sarome Stone - Level 2 Priest
Effect: Put a Row of Enemy in Silence and they can't use Spells.
Healing Vellum...
Recipe: Rotten Meat x Demon's Egg x Priest's Hair
Result: Parazkea Stone - Level 3 Priest
Effect: Cure a Paralyzed Character.
Antidote Vellum...
Recipe: Demon's Egg x Cocoon x Priest's Hair
Result: Poizkea Stone - Level 4 Priest
Effect: Cures a Poisoned Character.
Resurrect Vellum...
Recipe: Dragon Heart x Priest's Hair x Bishop's Bracelet
Result: Carcass Stone - Level 5 Priest
Effect: Revives a Dead Character. This spell will fail sometimes, And your Character will turn to ash.
Recovering Vellum...
Recipe: Slime's Jelly x Priest's Hair x Bishop's Bracelet
Result: Will Stone - Level 6 Priest
Effect: Cure all HP and all Status Ailmemts.
Reviving Vellum...
Recipe: Slime Jelly x Pixie's Wings x Bishop's Bracelet
Result: Cathedral Stone - Level 7 Priest
Effect: Revive a Dead or Ashed Character. This spell will fail sometimes and your Character will vanish (This is permanent so watch it).
Hypnosis Vellum...
Recipe: Bogey Cat's Fur x Bogey Bird's Claw x Slime's Goo
Result: Spleem Stone - Level 1 Sorcerer
Effect: Puts a Row of Enemies to Sleep.
Guiding Vellum...
Recipe: Bogey Bird's Claw x Pixie's Wing x Thief's Blood
Result: Maps Stone - Level 2 Sorcerer
Effect: Shows you the whole map of the Floor you're on.
Light-Up Vellum...
Recipe: Skull x Wyvern Eyeball x Sorcerer's Earring
Result: Undepps Stone - Level 5 Sorcerer
Effect: Cures Darkness.
Mutation Vellum...
Recipe: Vampire Claw - Hound's Ear - Slime Jelly
Result: Nirvana Stone - Level 6 Sorcerer
Effect: Caster will be unavailable for 1 round. Any "Enhance" Spell effect can append.
Transfer Vellum...
Recipe: Pied Piper's Flute x Dragon Tail x Fairy's Wing
Result: Leap Stone - Level 7 Sorcerer
Effect: Like a transfer potion. Sends you back to town.
Conversion Vellum...
Recipe: Pied Piper's Flute x Chimera's Head x Fairy's Wing
Result: Valhalla Stone - Level 7 Sorcerer
Effect: Decrease the caster by 1 level.
You can choose 1 of 3 random option:
1) May it heal my Strength - Party Hp/Mp Restored.
2) Return to where you belong - Vanish all enemy.
3) May the Invisible Blade […] - All Earthy Defense Enhance.
4) Halt to form a Mutated Chant - Seal a Monsters Spell.
5) Give us Strength by the Magic Moon - Increase Spell Strength.
6) May the Invisible Shield […] - All Party Defense Enhance.
Blazing Vellum...
Recipe: Giant's Blood x Chimera's Head x Sorcerer's Earring
Result: Megadeth Stone - Level 7 Sorcerer
Effect: Strongest Attack Spell.