This is only for the Main Quest, the Side Quests (the ones you get at the Tavern) will be covered in the Side Quests List section. If you're using Forsetti's maps in conjunction to this Walkthrough, Position markers that are in them are included. So if you see a (32) that means position mark 32 in Forsetti's maps for that particular floor. |
Path to Allied Actions... |
A big Training Stage if anything. You must have Kyo and Ricardo to start this off (or else Kasta won't let you in). Nothing too hard. You should immediately go back and level up after your first fight with Kobolds to have a better chance. Early on you'll reach a square room with exits in 4 directions. Take the one left to do Ricardo's Quest (4), up to do Kyo's Quest (6), and then finally take the 1 going right to get Sara, a capable Priestess (3). You'll want to be around level 4 by the time you reach the clear canyon floor area. Just a little further up you'll meet a threesome that you will see a lot of for a while for more training on items and such. Past that there's fork in the path. Go right to help the poisoned man (9) to put yourself in the Sara's good books. Then go back and take the other path. You'll meet the swordsman (13) who will teach you your first Allied Actions, Restrict Shot, Front Guard and Double Slash which will quickly become your staple AAs for the rest of the game. You'll meet your 1st Boss, Virgo, here. Just Double Slash like crazy and she'll go down in due time. Ignore the stairs and get your butt back to town, 'cuz you're now able to create other Party Members! At the guild you can also learn Rush, which is fairly useful later. |
B1: (Fortress)... |
Back here again. You'll be given another brief tutorial about vellums, then you get your 1st vellum. Go back to where you recruited Sara (3), and you'll meet Queen Otelier and Le'Dua. After all that, return to the area with the spiral stairs. Where you helped the man earlier, you can now find a Maelific Shop (9), where you can buy Potions and such. Here's a warning: If you've got some really big ones (as Pei Pei would say), then try to buy something without having enough money for it, as you leave you will be attacked by 4 Maelifics, which WILL Decimate you. Seriously, unless you really enjoy seeing the Game Over screen, don't try it. Worth big experience (~100k) if you, by some miracle, beat them. Also the Shop closes up for good if you beat them. You should now be back at the spot where you were taught Allied Actions. Be careful now, your first meeting with the Reaper is near. After a quick warning by a wounded Warrior, proceed. If you're quick, you can dodge pass it, go up the stairs all the way and drop down the pit to trigger the switch (8). This opens a small shortcut through B1 (1). Then go over to the first exit on the stairs (the one you skipped before) and cross the bridge there (you can drop down to the canyon below from here). You'll meet Rui here, who will give you some training with fighting Undeads. Basically, all you can do now is Dispel and cast Spells (you DO have a Priest and a Sorcerer, right?) since you don't have any Magicial Weapons yet. Nevertheless, you will fight two Undead Kobolds, which shouldn't be too hard if you're careful. Off you go to B2 (11). |
B2: (Old Jail)... |
Upon descending, you will feel your controller shake a little. No, there's no Reaper nearby, rather a Reaper Door (1 of 2 in the game). You can only see and use Reaper Doors if one of your members are possessed by the Reaper. Inside is a small room with the Healing Vellum (Parazkea). You'll meet plenty of NPCs to chat with around here. Basically the area consists of 3 circular floors with an open central area, and cells on the walls. You'll also find an Elevator, it's not powered up yet, but that's the main aim of this floor. You'll bump into the soldiers Le'Dua requested you to find eventually. After talking to them (and getting yet another quest) you should go back to Le'Dua for big EXP and a nice item. Anyways to clear this floor, first descend down to the 3rd floor. You'll find the lift straight away (X). In the Lift Room there's a cracked wall, run into it to break it. Ignore the path it opens up since it's basically a dead end for now. Now go over to the other red-colored room (on the map, that is). You will need to pass a one-way door to do that. You'll find another Elevator here (Y), but that's for later. Alternatively you can cross the Lift in the center. Once you reach the last red room (16), you'll be in a battle for your life against 3 pixies? You can kill 'em with your eyes closed. Watch the scene, then pull the switch. The center lift will go up, forming a bridge to a new area in the 1st floor. Break the crack that is also in this room, then follow the path back to the 3rd floor 1st Elevator. Now go back to the bridge. Be careful now, your 1st tough Boss is just a step before the bridge (16). The Reaper looks hard as nails, but he isn't actually that bad if you have been doing some training around here. His Spells hurt, so use Spell Cancel. Double Slash like crazy until he falls. Your Priests and Bishops should heal your front character after they get nailed by his attacks. You can ignore the Zombies beside him, they are weak enough to be a non-issue. After a battle like that, I suggest going back to town to rest. Granted, you have to do that Elevator raising bit all over again, but better that then going down and getting killed before you can Save, right? Anyway, past the new bridge is a hole. Drop down until you reach the 4th floor of the jail. The Reaper lurks around here too, so be careful. Skip the cells and the 1 other door that leads to stairs going up. At the end is a little room where you can power up the Elevator (17). Now that it's done, head back to the door with the stairs then go through the one-way door back a to the 1st floor Elevator, then take it down to 4th floor. From now on, you can simply ride the Elevator 1 down to here and skip all of B2 completely. The decent to B3 is here (22). Also, you should flip the switch right behind the Elevator (9) to activate the other Elevator you saw (Y). |
B3: (Labyrinth)... |
Don't even try to map this place since it's totally random every time you enter. You'll bump into a Priest pretty soon after you enter, he'll read your Fortune. You'll get good or bad stuff happen to you as per his reading. You'll also meet Grace and Orphe in separate encounters, these may be important steps in getting them into your party later. First of all, finding the staircase down is fairly easy, it's always on the outer corridors (i.e. not behind any door) so after running around a bit you should find it. Sometimes it's on a lower floor, if you find stairs going down, by all means go down. Look around this floor to find Magic Stones, kill more Monsters to gain experience. Because you will need it when you go down a floor into what is arguably the most annoying floor of the game. |
B4: (Ancient Cemetery)... |
This place is a nightmare. It consists of 2 areas, 1 upper area you start in, and the tunnels underneath. Not only do you meet hordes upon hordes of Undead, you are stuck on paths filled with pits that drop you down to the tunnels below... over and over again until you find the right path. The lower floors aren't all that bad (unless you drop on a monster falling down) but the upper floor is nasty. You only have single paths to walk on so Monster battles are usually inescapable. And while pits can't be crossed by you, they can be crossed by Monsters, so you'll have to watch your back, rear ambushes occur fairly often here. You'll eventually meet Matsuri, and complete the Quest given to you by the Soldiers from B2. You'll also meet the same party from B1, Annmarie, Rune and Oscar. Your conversation can lead you to fighting Rune and Oscar, but they really can't do much if you put up Restrict Shot. If you do fight them instead of giving up half your money like a wuss, you can meet them again in B3 and play a little Mini-Game where both your parties have to locate the exit while fighting as much monsters as possible. Make sure you kill more than 5 Monsters. Don't worry if you draw, you always draw with them as long as you beat more than 5 Monsters (that's a bit of a cheat, isn't it?). They will then offer to sell you certain Magic Stones. Be careful, not all of them are the real deal, the Carcass Stone is probably the best value for money. If you fought less that 5 Monsters (you guessed it!) you lose half your money. Anyway, to clear this floor, you have to locate the red-colored pits on the map (all other pits are pink in color). From your starting position, go up a little, then right, you'll be on an elevated bridge (A10) which you will appear on often when you take the Teleporter in the tunnels below. Now go further right a bit, then down all the way. Then right all the way, and up a little. From here locate a special pink pit you can step on without falling (near A1 - you'll activate a pit trap, just hit the right sequence to pass it). Just to the west of that pit on the map is the first red pit (A1). Drop down, follow along and you'll be in the upper right area of the map. Locate the large Gravestone on the ground (A2) and push it to open a new path. By the way, if you're doing Gustav's Quest, the pit where his Shield is located (B13) is near here. From the stone, go left a bit, then down, then up to another elevated bridge (A13). From here you can go up, then left a little, down and left and you'll find a Key on the ground, which opens a door you will find later. Back at the second bridge, go up again, but now off to right. There are 2 pits next to each other, one of them is another pit-trap that you can step over. Go up from there and you'll reach a gate. Here a Mini-Boss battle will occur where you will fight Thieves. They suck, so don't worry too much. Loot the stuff in the little room behind the gate, then follow the Thief down the next red pit (A3). You will pass a locked door and a Teleporter (B3). Heed good Odom's advice and ignore the Teleporter. You can use the Key you found before to open the door, that door leads back up to B2, 2nd Elevator (B7), another shortcut. Past these there's a small Boss fight where you face off against Kulgan the Agile, he's a pushover if you use Restrict Shot. Once you emerge, go south and search around to locate another movable Gravestone (A4). Descend, then follow the path. From there go south until you reach a 3rd pit trap. Past that is the stairs down to B5 (A8). Phew! |
B5: (Waterfall)... |
This floor is basically a giant spiral path down the waterfall, with stops at interconnecting caves. There's a Shop at the start (3), some weird Orc activity, and yet another encounter with the cute Elf Girl. You should explore all the caves for treasure and such. Early on you will find a Pixie guarding a door (8), it's related to Geese' Quest (No.20 on the Quest List). She will disappear after that Quest is done, but before that you can get a Crimson Ring (regenerates HP when equipped) if you give her a Carcass or Cathedral Stone. When you find Train Tracks, follow them to your first old Trolley. It's trapped and contains a Bag of Gold. Nab the Gold. You will eventually find a cave that has a broken wall. You can go another few levels down to find Lucida's Music Shop (15) and Spring Room (16), both of them are related to Quests you can do, but for now break through the broken wall and go down. Okay, now you can head back to the broken wall area. Pass it, then locate the pit you can jump down on, and proceed. If you follow the caves a little, you will find another broken wall which you can break through. This leads back to a few levels above the Music Shop and Spring Room, so you can go back up if you want (the wall can't be broken from the other side, lest you get any bright ideas). Anyways, pass the break in the path, you will meet Virgo again (18), this time with 2 Gaze Hounds as backup. Concentrate on Virgo entirely, if you've done your training, you should be able to beat her within a round or so. Then you can concentrate on fighting the Gaze Hounds. Further down you'll find a really nice shortcut in 1 of the caves (21), it leads all the way back up to the snowy Alter in B1, so that's going to save you a lot of walking. Go down a little more and you'll eventually find a single room with no other exits (24) that contains a Katana (Osafune) in it, quite good if you've got a Samurai. Make a mental note of this room, then push on to reach a Gondola (30). Go in the door directly in front of the Gondola and you'll see some more Train Tracks, once again, follow them to an old Trolley. It's also trapped and also contains a Bag of Gold, which you should nab. Now go back to the room with Osafune, you'll encounter an Orc guarding a Prisoner. Note: this only occurs if you nabbed BOTH Bags of Gold WITHOUT raising the Gondola. Help out and you'll get a brand new NPC added to your group, Daniel! Ride the Gondola up, get off but don't send the Gondola back down. Use a Transfer Potion to get back to Town (Kasta's Shop nearby sells 'em if you're out). Take the new shortcut in the B1 snowy Alter you just opened. You will bump into Eric on the way, who has a new venture, the most useful Shop in the game, the Materials Shop is now open (4)! Now then back to where we left off in B5. At the spot where the Gondola was (before you used it, 30) is now an open shaft. A long cut scene occurs culminating in a new NPC for your addition Michele, the Elf Sorceress. Ignore the pit there, and descend down to B6 (31). |
B6: (Moldy Fort)... |
Hopefully you have both Resurrect (Carcass) and Poison Cure (Poizkea), both are in B6. You will need them both now. B6 is one of the larger floors, and will take a fair bit of exploring. Just to the south you will find a one-way door, in which you are on the wrong side of. Further south of that is a big room where you can find the Light-Up vellum. To get to the rooms in the east, first go to the north all the way, then east down the drop-off. You'll meet Orphe and Aoba in a little bit. After meeting them, you can go back to where you found the Light-Up Vellum (just take the nearby one-way door wil do). You'll meet the Duo again and help them fight off some Fairies. Once that is done, you can return to B4, at the start you will meet Aoba again. At the spot where you met Orphe and Aoba for the first time in the Cemetery (past the second bridge, you can't miss it) you will meet Orphe, and finally both Orphe and Aoba will join you. You will also learn the most powerful AA of the game, Warp Attack, from Orphe. You probably can't use it yet however, it's a Level 8 Trust AA. Note that Orphe will not appear at her spot if you have not done Gustav's Shield Quest (Quest No. 18) or during the Quest you killed the Zombie involved. Back to where we left off in B6. Down the long room you'll find 2 doors. One going back left is the one-way door, so unless you're really itching to get out, don't use it. The door opposite will lead you to Kaza's room (2), where he will chat with you a little bit. Hey, is that your Controller Vibrating? Another Reaper Door (the 2nd Reaper Door of the Game) is nearby (3). There's some Spirited Shurikens behind it, so if you want to put your Ninja to the back now is a good time. Further down and to the left you will notice a pink area if you used Maps. You can't use maps here (not even the Spell) so plan your path carefully before moving. Here's the most straightforward path, Once through the door, hug the right wall until you reach a T-junction. Side-step left, then go straight, there should be a staircase to your right. Go up those stairs. At the top, go right, then left, then left again. Now go straight and you'll reach a door. Pass that room and go straight ahead to a Green Room (4). Green Room means safety, right? Not a chance. After a brief chat, it's Boss time. Incubus is nasty since both his Spells and his Physical Attacks hurt. But what also hurts are the 2 Mages by his side, you should try to take them out with a Spell ASAP (ole' Horseface himself is pretty much immune to Spells you cast). You should be able to survive his Physical Attacks (just make sure your Priest is always free and casting Fealds, Safeal or Lafeal) so use Spell Cancel. You probably have Converge Attack by now. It looks powerful, but it's not, using Double Slash and your 3rd front member attack actually does more damage. Once Incubus is down you can take a breather, then continue. You'll soon reach a room with puddles of ooze, stepping on them gets you poisoned. A scene will occur here if Hina is in your party. Some chests here are surrounded by poison puddles, so you will get poisoned if you try to get them. One of them holds the Transfer Vellum, however. There's 2 passages going left. The one furthest from you is a dead end. You can bypass the ooze by breaking the walls to your right, but there's no real reason to explore that path unless you want some miscellaneous treasure (and want to fill up the map). The left passage nearest to you is what you want to take. Follow it along until you reach a room with what looks like 2 drains on the floor. The one nearer to you (5) just drops you down to the dead end mentioned above, so skip that and take the drain further from you (7). Keep going, and don't jump down any pit you see (they all lead to the afore-mentioned dead end). There's a room where the door is blocked by oozes on the floor. No choice there, you've gotta step on them to proceed. That's why you should have Poizkea. At the very end you'll reach what looks like a bridge, there's a chest on the other side, but it's bait to make you fall down to the room below (12). You'll be in the room with a skeleton chained to the wall. If you have Hina her Quest will end here with a HUGE fight with a Greater Demon. You can avoid this by simply not having Hina in your party. Go forward to locate the stairs down to B7 (13). The other passage leads to a one-way door back to the area before the mapless room, so ignore it. |
B7: (Labyrinth)... |
Another randomly changing floor. Don't actually bother exploring this floor until you get down to B8 since that will immediately open a short cut from B1 to B8. Just run around, locate the stairs going down, then HEAL YOURSELF because a Boss fight (2 actually) is up next. |
B8: (Sham Sanctuary)... |
You'll be hit by not 1 but 2 Boss fights on the get go here. First one consists of a battle with Master Ninjas. Like all other Ninjas, physical attacks will most likely miss, so slap 'em sideways with Spells or guaranteed-hit-attacks like End Lash. Don't use Rush, you'll want your front to be guarded with Restrict Shot. And don't let them hit you, the odds of them killing you instantly is fairly high. And focus on 1 Ninja, if you keep them all alive long enough they'll do a Converge Attack which can't be Restricted, and will pretty
much guarantee their victim gets Insta-Killed. The next Boss fight is actually HARDER. The Flesh Golem is your primary concern (wipe his flunkies out with 1 strong Zakreta). He hits hard. Very hard. If he connects all his hits he can kill just about any of your Warriors almost immediately. So use Restrict Shot. Keep your Priest free for Lafeal and Fealds. Spells don't work much so don't bother. His Spells do hurt, but it won't kill you as long as you keep healing. As always, Double Slash, with Zaiba for good measure. Once he's defeated, pick up some of his Flesh and get out on the double. You're no match for any of the Monsters here, not yet. Do your Town stuff, use the new portal that will appear, then go back up to B7 and Train there (and grab those Magic Stones). Once you're confident enough, go back down to B8. The first area of B8 consist of tons of corridors, teleporters, doors and one-way doors. Again, there are the relatively useless pink teleporters, and the important red teleporters. Make your way to the big rooms you can see with Maps, they hold some fairly useful stuff, including a Vellum on the left 1. The first red teleporter you can reach is at the middle right of the map (17). You should be able to get there without using any teleporters. Once you use it, you will appear at the opposite end of the map (18), the middle left. Use maps to locate a Green Square Room (25) just above the 1st red teleporter. You'll have to cross the entire span of the map rightwards until you reach the Green Room. A long series of flashbacks occur here. Once you've seen all that, go out through the other door. Go straight forward (ignore the door to the left for now). And you'll end up in the right half of the largest room on this map (21). You will see a Red Step (a switch) on the floor, search it to activate it, notice the waters around you stop flowing. You might not realize it, but you've just drained the lake at the bottom of B5 (32 of B5 map). It's another nice shortcut. Search around for another Vellum. If you've done the Side Quest No.12 (Garcia's Quest) when you go back to Town and head to the Tavern Garcia will mention that Grace and Wolfe are down at B5. Use the snowy Alter shortcut, then go down to the lowest level (jump down the pit near the staircase to B6). You'll bump into Kasta if you did it right. A new path here will lead you to Grace, Wolfe and a Boss. This particular nasty, Raver Lord, is not all that tough, at least compared to the Vampire Lord. He's got nasty attacks so use Restrict Shot, Daiba & Double Slash to end his misery real quick. After this, both Grace and Wolfe become available as members in the Tavern. Now then, take the teleporter here and you'll be back to B8, where you hit the Switch (the Red Step). Go back a room, and now take the door here to another red teleporter (23). From here you have to go up to reach the next Green Room (26). There's more stuff, mainly concerning your hero's memory, then after that you can proceed to the 3rd and Final Crystal (27). If you own 3 Quartz (I think it's quite unavoidable to get them), you can use the 3 Crystals to restore HP, restore MP & remove adverse Conditions respectively. Not that you'll need them. If you nab the Surprise Quartz later there's even more interesting stuff here... look at the B10 section for more info. Past the 3rd crystal is the rather annoying twisting-turning room. Looks just like any ordinary big room, but some of the squares here turn you around for a bit, what's dangerous is the fact that there are plenty of Monsters wandering about, and you don't want to walk towards a Monster just to have your back turned to him when he attacks. There's a Bag in the center of the room (30) it holds a Key to the Door just south (11). That's another shortcut, from the 1st room of B8 it's just 1 teleport and a quick walk to this door (you should have passed by it before). And this also immediately renders the B5 shortcut useless. Past the twisting room is another long corridor with more twists, and is a Reaper hotspot, a rather nasty combo. At the very end, an emotional scene occurs, and Kulgan joins after that (he's good, quite a fair bit better than Kyo or any Ninja you might have). Then it's down to B9 (29). |
B9: (Labyrinth)... |
Yes, another Labyrinth. Once again, don't bother to stick around, just look for the exit and head straight down. Unlike the previous Labyrinths, the exit in this one might be in a lower floor, use Maps to locate large rooms that have
staircases going down. The Monsters here aren't that bad, so fight some if you have to. Once you get down to exploring B9 proper, during a Red Moon you might bump into a mysterious Wizard/God/Demon named Gimrey. Upon meeting him he will ask you to sacrifice one of your Members in order to gain a powerful item (the higher that Member's Trust, the better the Item, don't fall for it, all the Items are nothing to shout about). That's the Evil Choice. If you refuse, he sics 2 Flame Dragons on you. As long as you have Deploy AA you shouldn't have any problems. Once you defeat the Dragons he will reward you by raising all your Member's Max HP by 20. Cool!!! |
B10: (Testament)... |
Like before, the moment you step foot into B10 you face a Boss, yeah, it's her again. This time Virgo has the services of 2 Giants. Not a tough Boss, take out both the Giants while using Spell Cancel to prevent Virgo from actually doing anything. Once both Giants are dead, Virgo will be a pushover. And like before, get your butt outta here on the double. Back in B1 a portal will conveniently open that takes you back to B10, go back to B9 and do some more training. All done? Here's how to properly clear B10. The start of B10 is basically small rooms all connected by teleporters. It's not all that big, and with some trial and error you should figure out most of it fairly easily. First off, you need to reach a Red Square seen with the Maps spell. To get there, from the 1st room, take the teleporter in the southeast (14). Then take the northeast teleporter (16) (not like there's much of a choice). Now you'll be in a 4-teleporter room, in the northeast. Take the northwest teleporter (18). You'll be in another 4-teleporter room, this time with a Plate (20) (Red Square) nearby. Switch on the Plate to open the main door. Now take the teleporter nearest to the Plate (22) (northeast). Then take the southwest teleporter (12). You'll be back at the entrance room. To make it to the open door, back at the entrance, take the northwest teleporter (25). You'll be in a small rectangular room with 4 teleporters. Take the one right next to the one you're standing on (27)(southwest). Then the northeast (39), then southeast (43). You'll be in a square, 4-teleporter room again. Take the teleporter furthest from you (49) (northwest). You are now facing the door. There are 2 fragile walls on either side (55 & 53), so break them to claim the treasures within (don't take the teleporters unless you want to trek through all those teleporters again), you will find a new Vellum (Blazing aka Megadeth) and a Katana (Kikuichimonji, the one Hina has). Now take the door. You'll bump into Virgo again, a little depressed. There's also a sad scene here if you have Grace in your party. You can see Virgo again in B7 (not important) and then in Kasta's shop in B5, where she can then join your party. Back to the floor at hand, after a few cut scenes, it's time for a Boss. Surprise... the 2nd Boss of the game is also the 2nd-to-last Boss of the game. Don't be scared if you're only doing single points of damage to the Reaper, he's just got an overly high defence. He has preference to casting Spells, so use Spell Cancel (it's alright this time since he's always the 1st Monster to attack). First thing you need to do is to get rid of the 4 annoying Ghosts tagging along with him, it's a long battle, and while their damages are weak, it adds up after a while. Use Daiba to ensure that your entire party can hit them (this also lets you do at least some damage to the Reaper himself). Kill all the Ghosts, then concentrate on hitting the Reaper (you should be doing at least double digit damages with Daiba, if not you're too weak). He's got a lot of HP so you'll need to be patient. Make sure Spell Cancel is done every round. He sometimes does Physical Attacks, and you'll need either Carcass or Cathedral (prefebly Cathedral) here, like a Ninja, his attacks can cause Instant Kills. He's also got an unblockable attack called "Underworld Cry" which might cause Fear to your Party Members. With patience, the Reaper should not be a problem to you. Incidentally, if you haven't explored both the Reaper Doors, haven't messed with a Possessed Party, then it's too late for you, upon killing the Reaper, his possessing form will never appear again... Once you're done, Kaza makes a brief appearance, and will join your party if Michele is around as well. Nab the Sword Fragment on the ground then proceed ahead and grab the Queen's Guard Sword (54), a fairly impressive Weapon. You might want to return to Town here, because the Final Stage is almost upon you (56)! |
Note: Interesting info about a Unique Item...If you did Annmarie's Race at B3, after killing the Reaper in B10 you will meet her and her cohorts at the entrance to B9. They will challenge you to disarm the traps made by Oscar. If you ask them "How many traps" you'll end up fighting Rune and Oscar (they are still pathetic, don't worry). They then will tell you there's 10 traps. Disarm them (they're hidden all over the floor, you'll get a special note telling you it's Oscar's Trap), then go to the B9 exit and meet them again. They will mention that they will meet you again at the entrance of B1. Go there. Now Rune will challenge you to kill Fire Dragons that lurk in B9, answer all 3 questions (correct answers are: 3,2,2) and you'll find out you need to kill more than 5 Fire
Dragons. Go to B9 through B8 (don't go up from B10). Kill 6 or more Fire Dragons then proceed down to B10. Annmarie will tell you that both her buddies have been killed by Flame Dragons. Choose "Think of a way to Save Them", she will cast Carcass, Cathedral and finally Valhalla, and Rune and Oscar will come back to life. You will now be rewarded with a Surprise Quartz! When you use it at the Memory Crystals in B8, random happenings will occur: - An Orc gives you Character Information - Lose or get Money - Gain Exp - Abnormal Status/Ash - Recovered HP/MP and Abnormal Status - Your Stats Increase or Decrease - Fight with Monsters - MP is Completely Drained ...etc. |
Dimension World... |
You will discover a startling truth just as you enter, and then it's insane battles all the way. The main idea here is to drop down floors until you reach the lowest 1, which just consists of 4 teleporters (2,4,6 & 8). Doesn't matter which one you drop on, since they all bring you to the topmost floor (3,5,7 & 9 respectively). Make sure to grab all the chests littered about, there's a Vellum in 1 of them (floor 3). From there you can drop off the edges to teleporters you see by the sides of the floor when you 1st entered. From here, the one
teleporter you want to drop onto is at the eastern drop.
There's 2 squares to drop off from, you'd want the south drop (16). Walk up to the large platform (18). Your NPC Members will give you a final pep talk, then a scene will occur, culminating in the battle to end all battles. Your battle with Bu'Shin begins... He/She/It is quite cheap since Restrict Shot is disabled, so your only choice is Spell Cancel for defence. Use Priests or Bishops for healing. Daiba is a must to do decent damage. When he is using his "Male" face attack Bu'Shin himself, he's considered a front row attacker. When he switches to his "Female" face, attack the other target on his body instead, she's considered a back row attacker, so if you have Ninja Attack or Warp Attack AA that's a Big Bonus. He's got some cheap unblockable attacks, but if you've got a good Priest or Bishop it shouldn't be a problem. It's a long fight, but surprisingly quite easy if you know the trick. Once you've taken care of Bu'Shin, Pat yourself on the Back, because you've just finished Wizardry: Tale of The Forsaken Lands! You'll get to Save the Game, which lets you go back to Town and to explore to see if you've missed anything. You can't do any Side Quests that you've missed however, that option is disabled in the Tavern as is your Quest Confirmation option in your Party Menu. But if you head back to the Labyrinth, a new Shortcut would have opened up, go back to Gotz's (The Trap-Making Orc) Room, and you'll notice the Boulder there is missing. Go down and then... |
The Abyss... |
This is the Game's Bonus Dungeon, basically a collection of random floors filled to the brim with nearly the all the Toughest Monsters of the game, as well as some new, Abyss-Only Monsters. Some pointers here: - Thus far the End has never been reached. Who knows how long this dungeon goes? Reports of it being 999 floors or 9999 floors have been heard and talked about. - You will randomly bump into a Zombie selling Medicine, a Rotting Corpse running an Inn (your Levels don't go up if you stay there though :(...) and the Material Shop Guy. - The Monsters are a mixed bag. Sometimes a single Samurai, 2 Vampire Lords and 2 White Dragons, 4 Chimeras, etc,etc,etc... - The new Monsters are TOUGH. Be very prepared when you take on a Gold Dragon, he has more HP that Bu'Shin himself. - You can get all kinds of Items, Powerful and Weak, in chests found here. Anything from a Cloak to the Queen Guard Sword (yes, another one) can be found. - If you're missing any Vellums, you might find them in chests here as well. - Incubus can be found (as a Bat-type Monster), he'll drop Incubus Wings. It's possible other Bosses are in the Abyss as well. Additional Info: All the Bosses only appear in Multiple-of-Ten floors, just like Nine Tail. - If you find yourself walking down a small Corridor lit with Candles, and see a Japanese-looking Altar with a Ball of Light floating on It, be warned, you are a few steps away from meeting the Most Powerful Monster of the Game, Nine Tail. He is always found in Multiple-of-Ten floors, thus your 1st encounter would be in B10. Be warned, he is a fair bit harder than ole Bu'Shin himself. His Physical Attacks hit for some 300-400 points, he can cast Jakuld at 100-200 points of damage each, and finally a Cold Breath that can take away up to a whopping 400 points of damage per Person. He doesn't have as much HP as Bu'Shin, but nevertheless you'll need 8-10 rounds to defeat him, if you can last that long. Other than a big chunk of money and 40,000 EXP, you don't really get anything else, except the Pride of Defeating Him. |
If you really plan on wanting to see the bottom of this Labyrinth, you will need the following: - As many characters with Maps spells as possible so you can find your way down the fastest. - No desire to Level Up - You can't in the Abyss. - No desire to Explore - Just find the Exit and go down already. - You should be Level 40-50 to survive the Monsters here. - Look for Corpsa-Lodge when you're out of Maps, and you will fairly quickly. - Learn to use Suspend Data, to take a break every now and then. - A lot of Patience & Dedication. - And No Social Life...LOL |